World Heritage in Barbados



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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Bridgetown 2011 Cultural 7 167 2.46

Tentative List

The Industrial Heritage of Barbados: The Story of Sugar and Rum 2005 Cultural 3 31 100%
The Scotland District of Barbados 2005 Natural 3 23 43%

Country info

Official Name
Latin America and the Caribbean
WHC location
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Recent Reviews

Country Complete

The following 167 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

A. Mehmet Haksever . aalberty . Adrian Turtschi . Ailton007 . Alberto Rodriguez Gutierrez . Alexander Barabanov . alexbarnes0201 . Allison Vies . Ammon Watkins . Ana . Andrea & Uwe Zimmermann . Andrea Szabo . Atila Ege . Bill Maurmann . Bram de Bruin . brornt . Carstenhansen . Cheryl . Chlossow . Christoph . Christravelblog . circlingthebucketlist . Claire Bradshaw . Clyde . comensal . Craig Harder . Cyberczar . dmscanlan . Don Irwin . Donald M Parrish Jr . Donia . Donnico . Dorejd . DouglasR . Drk9Stormy . edstar500 . Els Slots . EMILY . Erik G . Eva Kisgyorgy . Feanster . Fedekiwi . FGKJR1492X . . Frank Britton . Garellos . Gary Arndt . Geert Luiken . George Evangelou . George Gdanski . GeorgeIng61 . GithaK . Gjert . Harald T. . HaraldOest . Harry Mitsidis . hfxdeb . Howard Brayer . Howard . Iain Jackson . if-pilot . ih0000 . Iriss . Janeyvette . Janos . Jason Boulette . Javier Coro . Jeanne OGrady . JGirlJGirl . João Aender . John Smaranda . Jon Opol . Jonoprout . Josh Daws . Joshuakirbens . Judit Dalla . Judith Tanner . JudyWalsh . Justinawallace . karinmch . Kasienka5 . kayakka . Kbtwhs . KeithBailey . Kelly Henry . kent . Kevin Padley-Knight . klhendrie . Kris Umlauf . Lars Jensen . Lidiane . Lindaflat . Luis Filipe Gaspar . marcel staron . mbeese . Michael Novins . michaelsballard . Michal Marciniak . Mikek . Mikeupowers . Mikko . MMM . Monica Tasciotti . moreworld2c . Morodhi . NataliaS . Neil McPaul . nej153 . Nihal Ege . Nolan B. . PabloNorte . Pascal Cauliez . Pat Martin . Patrik_globe . Paul RYKEN . PeterH . pghgeekgrrl . Philipp Leu . Philipp Peterer . Piotr Wasil . Potsdamer . Qin Xie . Randi Thomsen . Raphael . Red . Reiseblitz . Richardleesa . RobbyBob . Roger Ourset . Roman Bruehwiler . Royacurt . Rvieira . ryan09sb . s1m0n3t4 . Sachin . Sascha Grabow . saxondean . Sebasfhb . Sharon M. Bressen . SHIHE HUANG . Slavi . Solivagant . Sophie . Stanimir . Super-Sophie . Suzanne . Svein Elias . Szabolcs Mosonyi . Szucs Tamas . tedchang . TheTravelingRanger . Thomas Buechler . Timothy C Easton . Tom Livesey . tony0001 . Toya HornHoward . Travel Addicts . Travelindan . Vanessa Buechler . Vernon Prieto . vhuskey29 . VMThumper . Weecheng . WHS Lux . Wo_ko . Zoë Sheng . Александар Стојиљковић .