Blog Connections
Viewable from another WHS
Over the years, we have discovered quite a number of Trivial Connections between WHS. One of these is Viewable from another WHS: which WHS can be seen from standing in/on/at another WHS? The view should be achievable as part of "normal" touristic viewing (so no use of drones....). And it excludes Contiguous sites (which can obviously be seen across their mutual boundary) and Exact locations inscribed twice (that would be too easy of course). So far, we have been able to find 16 of these viewpoints: from towers, volcanoes, hilltops or by just looking down a street.

It is not necessary true that if WHS A can be seen from WHS B, B as well can be seen from A. Visibility often depends on a bit of height (is there a tower to climb?), or the size of the WHS. Full mountains or volcanoes are obviously easy to see from afar. The combinations of WHS where A can be seen from B and vice versa, are:
- Agra Fort & Taj Mahal
- Cape Floral Region (Table Mountain NP) & Robben Island
- Teide NP & Garajonay NP
An additional one might be (but is unconfirmed) the Works of Antoni Gaudí & the Hospital de Sant Pau in Barcelona: Sagrada Familia can apparently be seen from the grounds inside the entrance of the Hospital de Sant Pau - looking down the Avenida de Gaudi which links the two. But is the Hospital visible as well when you stand on the other side of this Avenida in front of the Sagrada Familia?

Some sites even have made a small-scale tourist attraction of this WH related bit of trivia. A few weeks ago I visited Hainich National Park, one of the many locations of the Beech Forests WHS. This was to break the long ride home from the Erzgebirge, but also because I was curious about the “Wartburgblick”. This is the viewpoint inside one of the Beech Forest’s core zones from where you can see Wartburg Castle. It can be reached via a small detour from one of the trails in the forest. I choose the Sperbersgrundweg (5.5 km). There is also the interesting sounding 'World Heritage Trail' - that's 9,5 km long.
The path in general is well marked with wooden signs, and the turnoff for the Wartburgblick is also easy to spot. From that point, the castle lies 15 kilometers away. With a bit of effort, it can be seen with the naked eye. The afforestation here is less than in the surrounding area, because in communist times this was used as a shooting range for Soviet soldiers and a stretch of forest was cleared. Now the forest is slowly growing back and maybe some day will obscure the whole distant view to Wartburg Castle.

Do you know any more examples? Maybe the WHS within walking distance can provide some inspiration.
Els - 9 June 2018
Zoe Sheng 15 June 2018
Mt. Fuji can be seen from Tokyo but maybe not from the Museum of Western Art even the roofs, I wonder if you can spot it from other WHS in Japan.
Ian Cade 14 June 2018
On those ones in London, I’ve yet to be able to confirm them (tried a fair few times in person and online).
The Tower of London is actually rather small when compared to the buildings around it and as it is the central point that makes it harder. I’ve never been able to pick it out from Greenwhich even though it feels like you should be able to.
There are a few too many buildings on the South Bank blocking Westminster and Greenwhich. But I’ve never been up any of Westminster’s towers which would give the best opportunity.
Solivagant 13 June 2018
Indeed - Google Street view from the Gloriette provides a lovely photo on a fine day across to St Stephens Cathedral in the distance!!
Solivagant 13 June 2018
"For those who have been to the Gambia, I'm curious. Is the Saloum Delta (on the border of Senegal and the Gambia) visible from Banjul? If so, it seems like it should also be visible from at least Fort Bullen and possibly the Six Gun Battery which are part of the Kunta Kinteh Island World Heritage Site."
I have been to Gambia but I don't think that having been there is likely to make much difference to this.
Ignoring heat haze etc the furthest a person who is 1.7m tall can see (i.e to the sea level horizon) is 4.7kms. At 30m high it is 19.6kms. Fort Bullen is around 14m high - without doing the math lets just take half the difference = c15kms. Fort Bullen to the furthest south point of Saloum across the sea (i.e with nothing intervening) to sand banks which can be assumed to be at sea level is, according to Google maps is 12.3kms. So - IN THEORY with no loss of visibility one could see it (and vv)!!
Solivagant 13 June 2018
From the end of the Grand Canal in Toulouse you should be able to see the Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jaques and probably the Tower of Saint-Sernin"
The best way to check these "ideas" if people don't have a photo for proof is to use Google Street view.
Using this I can confirm that from the banks of the Canal Du Midi along the Boulevarde de Minimes in Toulouse it IS possible to look down the Rue de la Concorde and see the tower of the Basilica of Saint-Sernin (Route of Compostela) - even through the heavily leaved trees when the Street view was done!! The view is slightly better from the southern Boulevarde Matabiau side but you are not then looking across the Canal and I don't know how far each side of the canal is still "core zone"!
Solivagant 13 June 2018
"While in one of the rooftops of Yazd, the Persian Garden of Dowlat Abad (which might already be in its buffer zone?)"
I see that this has been added as "viewable from another WHS - In fact Dowlat Abad IS part of the Inscribed site of Yazd (we have already connected it as a "site inscribed twice or more"
Caspar Dechmann 13 June 2018
From the Ende of the Grand Canal in Toulouse you Seouls be able tos er the Hôtel-Dieu Saint-Jaques and probably the Tower of Saint-Sernin
Caspar Dechmann 13 June 2018
Beffrois are hot candidates: in amiens you can definitively see the Cathedral. The kortrijk belfry should be viewable from the beguinage. From some windows of the platin-Moretus the Antwerpen cathedral should be seen. The beguinage in Mechelen, Lier, and St. Truiden are further away from the respective beffrois so only an inspection in place could make sure
Caspar Dechmann 13 June 2018
I imagine that Westminster and the Tower of London with their respective towers should be viewable. Possibly also Greenwich could be a candidate since from Greenwich Park you have a fabulous view over London as shown by Turner
Caspar Dechmann 13 June 2018
From the Schönbrunn Gloriette you can definitively see the outline of the “erste Bezirk” of Vienna
Juha Sjoeblom 12 June 2018
I had to check from my photos and yes, the garden of Chehel Sotun is viewable from the Ali Qapu pavilion (Meidan Emam).
And as improbable as it sounds, Tallinn can actually be seen from Helsinki on clear days. So it should be possible to see the tower of St. Olaf's Church from the higher places of Suomenlinna. There is a lot of discussion about that on web pages because some people scientifically explain that it shouldn't be possible. But I have heard that many people have seen it and there are also photos. But this could be a bit extreme example.
Jay T 12 June 2018
For those who have been to the Gambia, I'm curious. Is the Saloum Delta (on the border of Senegal and the Gambia) visible from Banjul? If so, it seems like it should also be visible from at least Fort Bullen and possibly the Six Gun Battery which are part of the Kunta Kinteh Island World Heritage Site.
David Berlanda 11 June 2018
Some of the Medici Villas situated in the Florence municipality (on the surrounding hills) and the Villa of Fiesole can be clearly spotted from the higher points of the historic centre of Florence and from most of them there are beautiful views on Florence
David Berlanda 11 June 2018
Costiera Amalfitana can be seen from the coast of Cilento National Park and the other way around
Els Slots 11 June 2018
Rome & Vatican are contiguous - that does not count
Philipp Peterer 11 June 2018
How about Rome and Vatican City?
Jay T 10 June 2018
If I'm reading the map correctly, the inscribed section of Paris, Banks of the Seine just barely does not include the Saint Jacques Tower from the Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France, which would make each one visible to the other.
Els Slots 10 June 2018
"from the minaret of the Friday Mosque of Esfahan, the Meidan-e Shah can be sighted" - I don't think one can climb it (except when you're the muezzin), true?
Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero 10 June 2018
Also, while not something that is not easily open to the public: from the minaret of the Friday Mosque of Esfahan, the Meidan-e Shah can be sighted. The converse is also the same.
Els Slots 10 June 2018
Thanks Bernard!
Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero 10 June 2018
Sigiriya can be seen from Dambulla. While in one of the rooftops of Yazd, the Persian Garden of Dowlat Abad (which might already be in its buffer zone?) can be spotted. From Kandy's Asgiriya monastery (key part of the inscription), Knuckles range (Central Highlands WHS) can be seen from afar as well.