Bodil Ankerly Profile

Bodil Ankerly
Bodil Ankerly.

I'm born in 1961 and my interest in WHS started many years ago, where I looked it up, whenever I was going on holiday: were there any sites nearby?
Now I don't mind travel some extra kilometers if there is a WHS nearby and I'm very fond of counting my visited WHS- thank God for this site.
My personal aim is to see at least 350 sites, because it is probably not realistic that I will see them all, unfortunately. Another passion I have is to visit as many countries as possible. Until now I have visited 56 countries and 8 territories, so there are still a few more to visit 😀
The picture shows Stonehenge, by the way.

Visited Sites Bodil Ankerly

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Recent Reviews Bodil Ankerly

Robben Island

Bodil Ankerly Denmark - 12-Jul-18

Robben Island

I visited this WHS in March 2018. It started with a very pleasant and beautiful 50 minuts boattrip from V&A Waterfront, then in a bus with a guide (who actually was living on the island with his family) around the island to the prison where Nelson Mandela had been kept for 18 years. Our guide here was also a former ANC prisoner - and it was very interesting but also very sad to hear him speak about his time in jail. At the end of the tour we saw Mandelas prison cell.

The whole island is a museum now - a very interesting WHS and it is very important that we don't forget the history.

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Profile Data

Bodil Ankerly
Most Impressive
The pyramides, Egypt Auchwitz-Birkenau, Poland

Recently Visited WHS

Update 10.09.24

4 Countries Complete

Andorra . Gambia . Holy See . Luxembourg .

Rating Stats
Visby 4.5
Hampi 4
Rhodes 4
Meknes 3

Reviewed TWHS