Bram de Bruin Profile
- On my quest to visit all the countries and territories in the world i am also trying to visit the WHS when i am around.
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Recent Reviews Bram de Bruin
Bram de Bruin Netherlands - 27-Jul-16

I visited this site in 2009 as part of a 2 week diving trip in Sudan on board the Royal Evolution. I won this expensive trip with a website contest.
We did 3 or 4 dives a day for 2 weeks! We got our visa in Port Sudan. From there we visited all the magnificent diving sites of Sudan. At Sanganeb reef we visited the lighthouse and had a chat with the guy who works there. After the visit we stayed 2 days at Sanganeb Reef and did several dives at Sanganeb North and Sanganeb South. Everything you can imagine under water was there!
Read OnProfile Data
- Name
- Bram de Bruin
- Country
- Netherlands
- Ranking
- 61
- Most Impressive
- The Chinese Wall
- Proposal
- Kabayan Mummy Burial Caves, (Benguet,Philippines)
- Website
- website
Recently Visited WHS
- Update 18.03.25
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56 Countries Complete
Albania . Andorra . Antigua and Barbuda . Armenia . Bahrain . Barbados . Belgium . Belize . Botswana . Cabo Verde . Cyprus . Dominica . Dominican Republic . Ecuador . El Salvador . Estonia . Fiji . Finland . Gambia . Ghana . Haiti . Holy See . Honduras . Ireland . Jamaica . Korea (DPR) . Kyrgyzstan . Lesotho . Luxembourg . Madagascar . Malta . Mauritania . Mauritius . Micronesia . Moldova . Montenegro . Namibia . Nepal . Netherlands . Nicaragua . North Macedonia . Oman . Palau . Paraguay . Qatar . Saint Kitts and Nevis . Saint Lucia . San Marino . Singapore . Togo . Tunisia . United Arab Emirates . Uzbekistan . Vanuatu . Viet Nam . Zambia .Reviewed WHS
Visited TWHS
- Abraj Al-Kuwait (T)
- Abu Dhabi Sabkha (T)
- Agglomération Aného Glidji (T)
- Agioi Varnavas and Ilarion at Peristerona (Five-domed churches) (T)
- Al Bidya Mosque (T)
- Alaverdi Cathedral (T)
- Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library (T)
- Amalienborg and its district (T)
- Ancient Buddhist Site of Sarnath (T)
- Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (T)
- Ancient Greek Theatres (T)
- Ancient Ruin of Drukgyel Dzong (T)
- Aqaba Marine Reserve (T)
- Archaeological Site and Historic Centre of Panamá City (T)
- Archipelago of la Maddalena and Islands of Bocche di Bonifacio (T)
- Architecture Moderne du XX siècle de la Ville de Montevideo (T)
- Art and Architecture in the Prehistory of Sardinia. The domus de janas. (T)
- Auckland Volcanic Fields (T)
- Ayeyawady River Corridor (T)
- Badshahi Mosque, Lahore (T)
- Bahá'í House of Worship at New Delhi (T)
- Barbar Temple (T)
- Baroque Churches of the Philippines (Extension) (T)
- Bird Migration Routes (T)
- Black River Gorges National Park (T)
- Bonaire Marine Park (T)
- Bouches de Bonifacio (T)
- Brooklyn Bridge (T)
- Cal Orck'o: Footprints of time (T)
- Camp de concentration de Tarrafal (T)
- Capital Fortifications of Hanyang : Hangyangdoseong Capital City Wall, Bukhansanseong Mountain Fortress and Tangchundaeseong Defense Wall (T)
- Casablanca, Ville du XXème siécle, carrefour d'influences (T)
- Cat Tien National Park (T)
- Cathédrale de Saint-Denis (T)
- Central Kalahari Game Reserve (T)
- Central Park (T)
- Centre historique d'Irkoutsk (T)
- Centre historique de Praia (T)
- Centre historique de São Filipe (T)
- Cetinje Historic Core (T)
- Chinese Section of the Silk Road (T)
- Chott El Jerid (T)
- Church of Panagia Aggeloktisti (T)
- Church of Panayia Chrysokourdaliotissa, Kourdali (extension to "Painted Churches in the Troodos Region") (T)
- Cittadella (Victoria - Gozo) (T)
- City Hall, Georgetown (T)
- City of Charlestown (T)
- City of Granada and its natural environment (T)
- City of La Guaira (T)
- City Walls of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (T)
- Civil Rights Movement Sites (T)
- Classical Karst (in Slovene language: Klasicni kras) (T)
- Coastal Cliffs (T)
- Coral Stone Mosques of Maldives (T)
- Corcovado National Park and Isla del Cano Biological Reserve (T)
- Cretaceous Dinosaur Fossil Sites in the Mongolian Gobi (T)
- Cultural Itinerary of Ecuador's Trans-Andean Train (T)
- Cultural Landscape of Bisya & Salut and its Archaeological Remains (T)
- Daegokcheon Stream Petroglyphs (T)
- Dahab (T)
- Delhi - A Heritage City (T)
- Desert Landscapes of the Mongolian Great Gobi (T)
- Diocletian's Palace and the Historical Nucleus of Split (extension) (T)
- Dong Villages (T)
- Dzongs: the centre of temporal and religious authorities (Punakha Dzong, Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, Paro Dzong, Trongsa Dzong and Dagana Dzong) (T)
- Ecosystèmes Marins de l'Archipel des Comores (T)
- Ecosystèmes terrestres et paysage culturel de l'Archipel des Comores (T)
- Ed-Dur Site (T)
- Egyptian Museum in Cairo (T)
- Ellis Island (T)
- Ensemble of Alvaro Siza's Architecture Works in Portugal (T)
- Etosha Pan (T)
- Fagaloa Bay - Uafato Tiavea Conservation Zone (T)
- Fann mountains (T)
- Fishriver Canyon (T)
- Flinders Ranges (T)
- Former M-13 prison/ Tuol Sleng Genocide Museum (former S-21)/ Choeung Ek Genocidal Centre (former Execution Site of S-21) (T)
- Fort Shirley (T)
- Fort Zeelandia (T)
- Fortress of Spinalonga (T)
- Frontières de l'Empire romain : Limes du Sud tunisien (T)
- Gdansk - Town of Memory and Freedom (T)
- Georgetown's Plantation Structure and Historic Buildings (T)
- Gorge of Samaria National Park (T)
- Grenadines Island Group (T)
- Grenadines Island Group (Grenada) (T)
- Großglockner High Alpine Road / Großglockner Hochalpenstraße (T)
- Guano Islands, Islets, and Capes National Reserve System (T)
- Hatta Archaeological Landscape (Emirate of Dubai) (T)
- Head Office and Garden of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (T)
- Hell’s Gate National Park (T)
- Hiran Minar and Tank, Sheikhupura (T)
- Historic Georgetown (T)
- Historic Lighthouses of The Bahamas (T)
- Historic zone of Basseterre (T)
- Historical Centre of Puerto Plata (T)
- Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
- Historical Relics in Pyongyang (T)
- Hoge Kempen Rural - Industrial Transition Landscape (T)
- Huangguoshu Scenic Area (T)
- Iconic Riverfront of the Historic City of Varanasi (T)
- Îles volcaniques de Sao Tomé et Principe (T)
- Imeong Conservation Area (T)
- Inle Lake (T)
- Insular area and bay of Colonia del Sacramento (T)
- Islands of Jan Mayen and Bouvet as parts of a serial transnational nomination of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge system (T)
- Jame' (Congregational) Mosque of Esfahan (T)
- Jerusalem (T)
- Jewish Cemetery in Sarajevo (T)
- Karst Valleys of Slovakia (T)
- Khor Al-Adaid natural reserve (T)
- Khor Dubai (T)
- Knights Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta (T)
- Kvetera Church (T)
- Kyiv: Saint Sophia Cathedral with Related Monastic Buildings, St. Cyril's and St. Andrew's Churches, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (T)
- La Haute Ville d’Antananarivo (T)
- La Rambla (promenade maritime) de la Cité de Montevideo (T)
- La Rioja and Rioja Alavesa Vine and Wine Cultural Landscape (T)
- La ville de Porto-Novo: quartiers anciens et Palais Royal (T)
- Lake Maggiore and Lake D'Orta lakelands (T)
- Lake Titicaca (T)
- Late Medieval Bastioned Fortifications in Greece (T)
- Le champ de bataille de Waterloo, la fin de l’épopée napoléonienne (T)
- Le complexe hydraulique romain de Zaghouan-Carthage (T)
- Le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles (T)
- Les Alpes de la Méditerranée (France) (T)
- Les Alpes de la Méditerranée (Italy) (T)
- Les Alpes de la Méditerranée (Monaco) (T)
- Les Mausolées Royaux de Numidie, de la Maurétanie et les monuments funéraires pré-islamiques (Algeria) (T)
- Les Mausolées Royaux de Numidie, de la Maurétanie et les monuments funéraires pré-islamiques (Tunisia) (T)
- Les roças de Monte Café, Agua-lzé e Sundy de São Tomé e Príncipe (T)
- Les témoignages matériels de la construction de l’État des Pyrénées : la Co-principauté d’Andorre (A) (T)
- Levadas of Madeira Island (T)
- Maasai Mara Game Reserve (T)
- Manama, City of Trade, Multiculturalism and Religious Coexistence (T)
- Marine Protected Areas of American Samoa (T)
- Massif du Mont Blanc (T)
- Massif du Mont-Blanc (T)
- Mattanchery Palace, Ernakulam, Kerala (T)
- Mayon Volcano Cultural Landscape (T)
- Médina de Sfax (T)
- Miao Nationality Villages in Southeast Guizhou Province (T)
- Mid-Atlantic Ridge (T)
- Mining Towns of Central and Southern Honduras: Santa Lucía, Cedros, Ojojona-Guazucarán, San Antonio de Oriente, Tegucigalpa, Yuscarán, El Corpus (T)
- Minoan Palatial Centres (T)
- Modernist Centre of Gdynia — the example of building an integrated community (T)
- Mole National Park (T)
- Mon cities : Bago, Hanthawaddy (T)
- Monuments, Sites and Cultural Landscape of Chiang Mai, Capital of Lanna (T)
- Morne Diablotin National Park (T)
- Mothia and Lilibeo Island: The Phoenician-Punic Civilization in Italy (T)
- Mountain Railways of India (Extension) (T)
- Mt. Myohyang and the Relics in and around the Mountain (T)
- Mt. Soraksan Nature Reserve (T)
- Mughal Mosques in Bangladesh (T)
- Murujuga Cultural Landscape (T)
- Napier Art Deco historic precinct (T)
- Nasca Aqueducts (T)
- Nasqsh-e Rostam and Naqsh-e Rajab (T)
- National Park (Taman Negara) of Peninsular Malaysia (T)
- National Theater of Guatemala (T)
- Natural and Cultural Landscape of Danube Region (T)
- Ngwenya Mines (T)
- Nosy Lonjo d'Antsiranana (T)
- Noyau historique d'Antwerpen -Anvers- de l'Escaut aux anciens remparts de vers 1250 (T)
- Nuragic monuments of Sardinia (T)
- Oasis de Gabes (T)
- Okavango Delta (T)
- Old Town of Bar (T)
- Old Town of Nablus and its environs (T)
- Orheiul Vechi Archaeological Landscape (T)
- Ouballang ra Ngebedech (Ngebedech Terraces) (T)
- Parc national Fazao-Malfakassa (T)
- Parc Naturel Cova, Paúl et Ribeira da Torre (T)
- Paysage culturel d'Azougui (T)
- Paysage Culturel des Plantations à Parfums des Iles de la Lune (T)
- Persepolis and other relevant buildings (T)
- Petroglyphic Complexes in the Mongolian Gobi (T)
- Plantations in West Curacao (T)
- Protected area of Lake Atitlán: multiple use (T)
- Qawra/Dwejra (T)
- Réserve Spéciale d'Anjanaharibe-Sud (extension des forêts humides de l'Atsinanana) (T)
- Rock Art of St. Vincent and the Grenadines (T)
- Roman Ways. Itineraries of the Roman Empire (T)
- Sacred Sites associated with Phajo Drugom Zhigpo and his descendants (T)
- Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
- Salt Mines of Maras (T)
- Sarajevo - unique symbol of universal multiculture - continual open city (T)
- Seaflower Marine Protected Area (T)
- Serial Nomination of Tehrans Modern Architectural Heritage (T)
- Sharjah: the Gate to Trucial States (T)
- Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jabir Palace (T)
- Shell Beach (T)
- Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill (T)
- Sigatoka Sand Dunes (T)
- Silk Roads Sites in Kyrgyzstan (T)
- Silk Roads Sites in Tajikistan (T)
- Silk Roads Sites in Turkmenistan (T)
- Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan (T)
- Silk Roads: Fergana-Syrdarya Corridor (T)
- Sites of Globalization (T)
- Sites of the Busan Wartime Capital (T)
- Sites, lieux et itineraires augustiniens du Maghreb central (T)
- Soufriere-Scott’s Head Marine Reserve (T)
- Southwest Coast (T)
- St. George Fortified System (T)
- St. George Historic District (T)
- St.Georges Anglican Cathedral (T)
- Sultanats Historiques des Comores (T)
- Svalbard Archipelago (T)
- Tamzhing Monastery (T)
- Tashkent Modernist Architecture. Modernity and tradition in Central Asia (T)
- Tbilisi Historic District (T)
- Temple of Hator built by Ramses III (T)
- Tet el Bad (Stone Coffin) (T)
- Thaba-Bosiu National Monument (T)
- That Luang de Vientiane (T)
- The African Great Rift Valley - The Maasai Mara (T)
- The Ancient Capitals of the Kingdom of Tonga (T)
- The Architectural Works of Alvar Aalto - a Human Dimension to the Modern Movement (T)
- The Area of Old Carved Stone in Sapa (T)
- The Bodrum Castle (T)
- The Chinese Section of the Silk Roads (T)
- The Collection of Historical Bridges (T)
- The Colonial Transisthmian Route of Panamá (Ruta Colonial Transístmica de Panamá) (T)
- The Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area (extension to existing property) (T)
- The Great Rift Valley - migratory routes - The Hula (T)
- The Great Rift Valley - The Kenya Lakes System (T)
- The Industrial Heritage of Barbados: The Story of Sugar and Rum (T)
- The Jewish Cemetery of Altona Königstrasse. Sephardic Sepulchral Culture of the 17th and 18th century between Europe and the Caribbean (T)
- The La Soufrière National Park (T)
- The Lofoten islands (T)
- The mausoleum of Nakhichevan (T)
- The Mediterranean Facet of the Pyrenees (France-Spain) (T)
- The Meru Conservation Area (T)
- The monasteries of Tatev and Tatevi Anapat and the adjacent areas of the Vorotan Valley (T)
- The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun (T)
- The monastery of Noravank and the upper Amaghou Valley (T)
- The natural and architectural ensemble of Stolac (T)
- The Olive Grove Landscapes of Andalusia (T)
- The Pacific atoll-island cultural landscape of Tuvalu (T)
- The Padang Civic Ensemble (T)
- The Passage Tomb Landscape of County Sligo (T)
- The President Coolidge (T)
- The Ribeira Sacra, Lugo and Orense (T)
- The Ringed Seal Archipelagos of Lake Saimaa (T)
- The Royal Sites of Ireland: Cashel, Dún Ailinne, Hill of Uisneach, Rathcroghan Complex, and Tara Complex (T)
- The Scotland District of Barbados (T)
- The Site of Ancient Town of Pyanjekent (T)
- The Underground Wineries of Moldova (Cricova and Mileștii Mici) (T)
- The Underwater City of Port Royal (T)
- Thingvellir National Park (T)
- Tombs of Jahangir, Asif Khan and Akbari Sarai, Lahore (T)
- Torfajökull Volcanic System / Fjallabak Nature Reserve (T)
- Torres del Paine and Bernardo O'Higgins National Parks, Region of Magallanes (T)
- Town of Chichicastenango (T)
- Transatlantic Cable Ensemble (T)
- Troodos, Mt.Olympus (T)
- University City of Bogotá (T)
- Via Francigena in Italy (T)
- Victoria Lines Fortifications (T)
- VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Thingvellir National Park (T)
- Volcan Masaya National Park (T)
- Wadi Feiran (T)
- Wassu Stone Circles Quarry Site (T)
- Wat Phra Mahathat Woramahawihan, Nakhon Si Thammarat (T)
- Waters and seabed of Fiordland (Te Moana O Atawhenua) (T)
- Wazir Khans Mosque, Lahore (T)
- Western Caucasus (re-nomination) (T)
- Wineries and Vineyards for traditional Pisco Production (T)
- Wooden Monasteries of Konbaung Period : Ohn Don, Sala, Pakhangyi, Pakhannge, Legaing, Sagu, Shwe-Kyaung (Mandalay) (T)
- Workers’ Assembly Halls (Australia) (T)
- Yalong, Tibet (T)
- Yapease Quarry Sites (T)
- Yapese Disk Money Regional Sites (T)
Reviewed TWHS
Top 200 WHS
- Virunga National Park
- Lorentz National Park
- Cerrado Protected Areas
- Noel Kempff Mercado National Park
- Darien National Park
- Olympic National Park
- Sian Ka'an
- Comoé National Park
- Sangay National Park
- Gulf of California
- Sichuan Giant Panda Sanctuaries
- Komodo National Park
- Aldabra Atoll
- Galapagos Islands
- Banc d'Arguin
- Yellowstone
- Ngorongoro
- Serengeti
- Monarch Butterfly Biosphere Reserve
- Bwindi Impenetrable National Park
- Dong Phayayen
- Djoudj
- Okapi Wildlife Reserve
- Manovo-Gounda St. Floris
- Kahuzi-Biega National Park
- Rainforests of the Atsinanana
- Los Katios National Park
- Selous Game Reserve
- Kaziranga National Park
- Dja Faunal Reserve
- Lopé-Okanda
- Wrangel Island
- Keoladeo National Park
- W-Arly-Pendjari Complex
- Niokolo-Koba National Park
- Manas Wildlife Sanctuary
- Wood Buffalo National Park
- Chitwan National Park
- Mana Pools
- Garamba National Park
- Białowieża Forest
- Donana National Park
- Alejandro de Humboldt National Park
- Cape Floral Region
- Kinabalu Park
- Vallée de Mai
- Mount Emei, including Leshan Giant Buddha
- Greater Blue Mountains
- Mount Hamiguitan
- Redwood
- Tropical Rainforest Sumatra
- Jiuzhaigou Valley
- Rio Abiseo National Park
- Tasmanian Wilderness
- Ujung Kulon National Park
- Blue and John Crow Mountains
- Laurisilva of Madeira
- Wet Tropics of Queensland
- Central Suriname Nature Reserve
- Sangha Trinational
- Atlantic Forest South-East
- Sinharaja Forest
- Virgin Komi Forests
- Central Sikhote-Alin
- Calakmul
- Yakushima
- Garajonay
- Central Highlands
- Morne Trois Pitons
- Discovery Coast
- Salonga National Park
- Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng
- Great Smoky Mountains
- Gondwana Rainforests
- Primeval Beech Forests
- Mount Nimba
- Taï National Park
- Shirakami-Sanchi
- Guanacaste
- Mount Wuyi
- Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves
- Manu National Park
- Glacier parks
- Yosemite National Park
- Ilulissat Icefjord
- Te Wahipounamu
- Los Glaciares
- Swiss Tectonic Arena Sardona
- Waterton Glacier International Peace Park
- Laponian Area
- Gros Morne National Park
- High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago
- Wudang Mountains
- Kii Mountain Range
- Lushan National Park
- Mount Taishan
- Tongariro National Park
- Fujisan
- Sub-Antarctic Islands
- Fraser Island
- Gough and Inaccessible Islands
- Ogasawara Islands
- East Rennell
- St. Kilda
- Henderson Island
- Lord Howe Island
- West Norwegian Fjords
- Puerto-Princesa Subterranean River
- Rock Islands
- Great Barrier Reef
- Ningaloo Coast
- Shark Bay
- Lagoons of New Caledonia
- Peninsula Valdes
- Belize Barrier Reef
- Shiretoko
- Socotra Archipelago
- Brazilian Atlantic Islands
- Phoenix Islands
- Wadden Sea
- Tubbataha Reefs
- Cocos Island
- Malpelo
- Papahanaumokuakea
- Whale Sanctuary of El Vizcaino
- Coiba National Park
- Robben Island
- Canadian Rocky Mountain Parks
- Sagarmatha National Park
- Kilimanjaro National Park
- Nanda Devi and Valley of Flowers
- Machu Picchu
- Cliff of Bandiagara
- Meteora
- Swiss Alps Jungfrau-Aletsch
- Great Himalayan National Park
- Huangshan
- Canaima National Park
- Western Ghats
- Pirin National Park
- Huanglong
- Mount Kenya
- Wulingyuan
- Pyrénées - Mont Perdu
- Huascaran National Park
- Dolomites
- Xinjiang Tianshan
- Golden Mountains of Altai
- Simien National Park
- Tajik National Park
- Maloti-Drakensberg Park
- Mount Sanqingshan
- Western Caucasus
- Durmitor National Park
- Rwenzori Mountains
- Persepolis
- Petra
- Palmyra
- Ancient Merv
- Rapa Nui
- San Agustín
- Teotihuacan
- Tikal National Park
- Chichen-Itza
- Copán
- Nasca Lines
- Matobo Hills
- Megalithic Temples of Malta
- Kakadu National Park
- Central Amazon Conservation Complex
- Kenya Lake System
- Pantanal
- Three parallel rivers of Yunnan
- Victoria Falls
- Lake Baikal
- Okavango Delta
- The Sundarbans
- Iguazu National Park
- iSimangaliso Wetland Park
- Lakes of Ounianga
- Sundarbans National Park
- Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve
- Uvs Nuur Basin
- Iguacu
- Lake Malawi
- Srebarna Nature Reserve
- Ichkeul National Park
- Angkor
- Sukhothai
- Ellora Caves
- Ayutthaya
- Hampi
- Bagerhat
- My Son
- Hawaii Volcanoes
- Volcanoes of Kamchatka
- Pitons of Reunion
- Mount Etna
- Macquarie Island
- Pitons Management Area