Elaine McArdle Profile

Elaine McArdle
Elaine McArdle.

I have been travelling to World Heritage Sites since 2015 and have been to almost 200 so far.

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Recent Reviews Elaine McArdle


Elaine McArdle Ireland - 25-Aug-17

The Stećci Medieval Tombstones Graveyards are made up of 28 sites across Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro and Croatia.

22 of the sites are located in Bosnia and Herzegovina and we stopped at the Radimlja Necropils located about 30 drive minutes from Mostar. The Radimlja Necropils is one of the most well preserved sites and contains decorated tombstones dating back to the 1480s.

The site was quiet and had a small entry fee amounting to a few euro. We were among two sets of visitors there at the time.

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Profile Data

Elaine McArdle
Most Impressive
Petra, Skellig Michael

9 Countries Complete

Croatia . Estonia . Holy See . Ireland . Lesotho . Luxembourg . Malta . Moldova . Zambia .

Reviewed TWHS