Erezspeiser Profile
My name is Erez Speiser. I was born in Israel in 1966, living now in Rakefet (Lower Galilee). By education, I am a mechanical engineer. For the last decade, I hold a marketing position in a multi-national metal-cutting tools company.
However, my true passion had always been nature and outdoors. I Enjoy Hiking, Mountain biking, Wind Surfing & Stand-Up Paddling.
I Love Israel and its nature, and since 2018 I started to put my skills, passion, and knowledge into promoting Hiking tourism in the country.
I also love traveling abroad, and always try to focus on more "off the beaten track" spots. reaching the smaller places, meeting the people, and the local culture.
Recent Reviews Erezspeiser
Mount Karkom (T)
Erezspeiser Israel - 02-Sep-20

Mount Karkom is one of the most mysterious and interesting sites in Israel, But also, one of the least known and most rarely visited. Mount Karkom is a Table-Shaped mountain with an altitude of 840 meters ASL that rises very steeply, 200 meters above the surrounding landscape, and is clearly visible from afar. It is situated in a remote location in the Negev Desert in Israel and can be reached only on foot. But, reaching it on foot is not an easy task. First, you have to reach the desert town on Mitspe Ramon. From there you will need to drive an additional 80 Km. Most of the way is on rough dirt roads that can be managed only with a 4WD vehicle
Read OnArbel (T)
Erezspeiser Israel - 23-Jul-20

The complex of the Horns of Hittin, Mount Arbel, and Nebe Shueb encompasses a wide range of historical religious and natural wonders. Mount Arbel:The mountain is only 181 meters above sea level, but it rises steeply 380 meters from the Sea of Galilee. If you drive on Route 90, along the shore of the Sea of Galilee, the impressive sight of the high cliff rising directly 400 meters above the road cannot be ignored. Mount Arbel is indeed impressive when you look at it from below, but the view from its summit is even more beautiful. Without a doubt, this is one of the most beautiful lookouts in Israel
Read OnProfile Data
- Name
- Erezspeiser
- Country
- Israel
- Ranking
- 1423
- Website
- website
Recently Visited WHS
- Update 23.07.20
10 Best Missing
Visited WHS
Reviewed WHS
Visited TWHS
- Arbel (arbel, nebe shueb, horns of hittim) (T)
- Bet She'an (T)
- Caesarea (T)
- Degania & Nahalal (T)
- Early Synagogues in the Galilee (T)
- Ein Karem, a village and its cultural landscape (T)
- Jerusalem (T)
- Liftah (Mey Naftoah) – Traditional mountain village (T)
- Makhteshim Country (T)
- Mount Karkom (T)
- Sea of Galilee & its Ancient Sites (T)
- The Crusader Fortresses (T)
- The Great Rift Valley - migratory routes - The Hula (T)
- Timna (T)
- Triple-arch Gate at Dan & Sources of the Jordan (T)
Reviewed TWHS