Recent Reviews Eric
Eric Switzerland - 22-Dec-21

My initial plan was to drive the Ruta Puuc and visit the sites Labna, Xlapak, Sayil, Kabah, Uxmal in 2 days.
Starting my drive from Merida in the morning, I drove to Muna, and then Oxkutzcab. Soon after, on my way to Labna, the road became beautiful. It was narrow with a lot of vegetation, sometimes covering the road, and I was alone on that road. With the right music, in the end of afternoon, with the sun rays playing with the trees, the drive became magical and I enjoyed every second of it (except the sudden potholes).
Read OnChichen-Itza
Eric Switzerland - 29-Nov-21

Based on previous reviews here, I initially thought I would stay at a nearby accomodation with a "private" entrance allowing to be earlier. Unfortunately, it seems that this private entrance has been closed in the last months due to Covid. So I chose to stay in Valladolid instead and drive early to be at Chichen Itza at the opening at 8am. I arrived at 8.05am and was not the only one who had that idea as I had to wait for about 20 minutes to buy the ticket. The entrance price has increased in the recent years. In November 2021, an adult ticket costs 533 Pesos, and I had to pay 80 Pesos for the parking.
Read OnSian Ka'an
Eric Switzerland - 22-Nov-21

I chose to approach the Sian Ka'an Biosphere Reserve via the Muyil ruins. My initial plan was to visit the ruins and then walk the jungle boardwalk between the back of the ruins and the lagoon. That path is well marked on the OSM maps.
After a quick and easy drive from Tulum to Muyil, I arrived at the entrance of the Muyil ruins at 3.45pm only to discover they were closing at 4pm (November 2021). I went nevertheless. Arriving at the back of the ruins, I tried to explain to the guard at the back gate that my plan was to walk the jungle path to the lagoon and then walk back the dirt road to the parking. Without speaking Spanish, it was actually quite fun to explain and we both had some laughs. Unfortunately they were also closing the parking gate at 4pm, so that was not an option.
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