Kokoro Profile
Interested traveller with some scientific background mostly on Asia and Latin America. Happy to help especially around recently visited WHS or Japan and Paraguay in very depth.
Recent Reviews Kokoro
Kokoro Germany - 11-Jul-23
I visited Zeche Zollverein in September. Since there are so many detailed reviews on content etc. I focus on the "post-corona" update and some organizational hints.
Access: Very easy from downtown Essen by public transport in 24 minutes, and even from Düsseldorf main station it only takes less than an hour. But also by car it is easy and parking is available. Nearest bus/tram stations are: „Zollverein“ (Tram 107), „Zollverein-Nord“ (Tram 107, Bus 170, Bus 183 oder Train RB32) or bus stations „Kokerei Zollverein“ or „Kohlenwäsche“ (Bus 183).
Read OnAapravasi Ghat
Kokoro Germany - 11-Jul-23

I visited this place in May 2022 and think it was wonderful. It seems that older reviewers could not benefit from the excellent exhibition in the museum which is really great as it explains in a very good didactic way (explanations, exhibits, reconstructions) the life of the first immigrant policy in the world. Mauritius is the site of the first large-scale use of indentured labour in the modern world. Between 1830 and 1910 more than 462,000 people arrived in Mauritius. Appr. 70% of modern Mauritians are descendants of these workers. Really impressive. The mueseums shows a lot of very illustrative items, e.g. the way the new arrivals were registered and how and where they waited to be allocated to work
Read OnBerat and Gjirokastra
Kokoro Germany - 11-Jul-23
I visited both cities in May 2023 and will not add anything regarding architecture and history - since there are many very qualified reviews. However I would like to give an actual update of situation and how to get there.
How to get there:
Berat is very easily accessible by car or bus, just 1 hour drive from Alabania´s capital Tirana.
Sightseeing situation:
Heavily visited and crowded, but also easy to visit (but not wheelchair accessible since streets are very steep).
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- Name
- Kokoro
- Country
- Germany
- Ranking
- 1229
Recently Visited WHS
- Update 11.07.23
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Rating StatsFujisan 5Bagan 4.5Luang Prabang 4.5Mesa Verde 4.5Nikko 4.5Le Morne 4Panamá 4Vat Phou 4Kandy 3Hué 2Reviewed WHS
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