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Recent Reviews Londonium

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Recently Visited WHS

Update 17.11.19

5 Countries Complete

Holy See . Luxembourg . Malta . North Macedonia . San Marino .

Rating Stats
L'viv 5
Cuzco 4.5
Ravenna 4.5
Sucre 4.5
Corvey 4
Graz 4
Masada 3.5
Tiwanaku 3.5
Potosi 3
  1. Amalienborg and its district (T)
  2. Ancient Greek Theatres (T)
  3. Cathédrale de Saint-Denis (T)
  4. Chinese Section of the Silk Road (T)
  5. City Walls of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (T)
  6. Diocletian's Palace and the Historical Nucleus of Split (extension) (T)
  7. Dreams in Stone - the palaces of King Ludwig II of Bavaria: Neuschwanstein, Linderhof and Herrenchiemsee (T)
  8. Hoge Kempen Rural - Industrial Transition Landscape (T)
  9. Jerusalem (T)
  10. Knights Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta (T)
  11. Kyiv: Saint Sophia Cathedral with Related Monastic Buildings, St. Cyril's and St. Andrew's Churches, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (T)
  12. La Rambla (promenade maritime) de la Cité de Montevideo (T)
  13. Le champ de bataille de Waterloo, la fin de l’épopée napoléonienne (T)
  14. Le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles (T)
  15. Le palais de Princes Eveques de Liège (T)
  16. Le Panorama de la Bataille de Waterloo, exemple particulièrement significatif de « Phénomène de Panoramas » (T)
  17. Les passages de Bruxelles / Les Galeries Royales Saint-Hubert (T)
  18. Les Plages du Débarquement, Normandie, 1944 (T)
  19. Leuven/Louvain, batiments universitaires, l'héritage de six siècles au sein du centre historique (T)
  20. Maltese Catacomb Complexes (T)
  21. Mdina (Citta Vecchia) (T)
  22. Minoan Palatial Centres (T)
  23. Noyau historique d'Antwerpen -Anvers- de l'Escaut aux anciens remparts de vers 1250 (T)
  24. Peruvian Central Railway (T)
  25. Qawra/Dwejra (T)
  26. QUMRAN: Caves and Monastery of the Dead Sea Scrolls (T)
  27. Rural Temples of Cusco (T)
  28. San Pedro de Atacama (T)
  29. Sea of Galilee & its Ancient Sites (T)
  30. That Luang de Vientiane (T)
  31. The Fortress of Terezín (T)
  32. The historic urban site of Počitelj (T)
  33. The Karlstejn Castle (T)
  34. Trakai Historical National Park (T)
  35. Victoria Lines Fortifications (T)

Reviewed TWHS