Recent Reviews MAURO PODDA
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- Italy
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- Enlargement of the major monuments of bronze nuragic civilization (Su nuraxi, Barumini) in Sardinia, Italy: nuraghe Santu Antine, nuraghe Losa, Abbasanta, nuraghe Is Paras, Isili, nuraghe Orroli 2) Neolithic pinted Domus de Janas de Sant'Andrea Prius, Bolotana, Sardinia
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- Update 09.10.17
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Visited TWHS
- Archipelago of la Maddalena and Islands of Bocche di Bonifacio (T)
- Benguela Current Marine Ecosystem Sites (T)
- Bouches de Bonifacio (T)
- Brooklyn Bridge (T)
- California Current Conservation Complex (T)
- Central Park (T)
- Cittadella (Victoria - Gozo) (T)
- El Ferrol of the Illustration Historical Heritage (T)
- Etosha Pan (T)
- Gorge of Samaria National Park (T)
- Hanbury botanical gardens (T)
- Head Office and Garden of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (T)
- Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
- Knights Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta (T)
- Les Alpes de la Méditerranée (Monaco) (T)
- Les villes antiques de la Narbonnaise et leur territoire: Nimes, Arles, Glanum, aqueducs, via Domitia (T)
- Massif du Mont Blanc (T)
- Massif du Mont-Blanc (T)
- Mdina (Citta Vecchia) (T)
- Minoan Palatial Centres (T)
- Pombaline Lisbon (T)
- Rouen : ensemble urbain à pans de bois, cathédrale, église Saint-Ouen, église Saint Maclou (T)
- Sites mégalithiques de Carnac (T)
- Sulcis Iglesiente (T)
- The Murge of Altamura (T)
- The Olive Grove Landscapes of Andalusia (T)
- The Ribeira Sacra, Lugo and Orense (T)
- The Rise of Systematic Biology (T)
- Volterra: Historical City and Cultural Landscape (T)
- Welwitschia Plains (T)
Reviewed TWHS