Visited Sites Marcobrey

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Recent Reviews Marcobrey

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Minaret of Jam (Afghanistan)
Medieval Towers of Ingushetia (Russia)

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Update 18.11.24
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Asmara 5
Shibam 5
  1. Abraj Al-Kuwait (T)
  2. Akdamar Church (T)
  3. Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library (T)
  4. Alpine and pre-alpine meadow and marsh landscapes (T)
  5. Amalienborg and its district (T)
  6. Amarbayasgalant monastery and sacred cultural landscape (T)
  7. Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (T)
  8. Ancient Kano City Walls and Asociated Sties (T)
  9. Ancient Termiz (T)
  10. Andijon (T)
  11. Archaeological Site and Historic Centre of Panamá City (T)
  12. Architecture rurale de Basse-Casamance : Les cases à impluvium du royaume Bandial (T)
  13. Auckland Volcanic Fields (T)
  14. Badshahi Mosque, Lahore (T)
  15. Bagh-e Babur (T)
  16. Bahá'í House of Worship at New Delhi (T)
  17. Band-E-Amir (T)
  18. Bashkir Ural (T)
  19. Beng Malea Temple (T)
  20. Black River Gorges National Park (T)
  21. Brooklyn Bridge (T)
  22. Buddhistic cloister of Ajina-Tepa (T)
  23. Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior with the Medieval Rampart City Wall of Pereslavl-Zalessky (1152-1157) (T)
  24. Centre historique de la ville de Gorokhovets (T)
  25. Chinese Section of the Silk Road (T)
  26. Chocolate Hills Natural Monument (T)
  27. Chor-Bakr (T)
  28. Church of Panagia Aggeloktisti (T)
  29. Church of Panayia Chrysokourdaliotissa, Kourdali (extension to "Painted Churches in the Troodos Region") (T)
  30. Cittadella (Victoria - Gozo) (T)
  31. City of Balkh (antique Bactria) (T)
  32. City of Granada and its natural environment (T)
  33. City of Herat (T)
  34. Coastal Cliffs (T)
  35. Cold Desert Cultural Landscape of India (T)
  36. Complex of travertine waterfalls in Martin Brod - Una National Park (T)
  37. Coral Stone Mosques of Maldives (T)
  38. Cretaceous Dinosaur Fossil Sites in the Mongolian Gobi (T)
  39. Dahshour archaeological area (T)
  40. Delhi - A Heritage City (T)
  41. Desert Landscapes of the Mongolian Great Gobi (T)
  42. Dreams in Stone - the palaces of King Ludwig II of Bavaria: Neuschwanstein, Linderhof and Herrenchiemsee (T)
  43. Dunhuang Yardangs (T)
  44. Dzongs: the centre of temporal and religious authorities (Punakha Dzong, Wangdue Phodrang Dzong, Paro Dzong, Trongsa Dzong and Dagana Dzong) (T)
  45. Ecosystèmes Marins de l'Archipel des Comores (T)
  46. Ecosystèmes terrestres et paysage culturel de l'Archipel des Comores (T)
  47. El Nido-Taytay Managed Resource Protected Area (T)
  48. Ellis Island (T)
  49. Ensemble of the Astrakhan Kremlin (T)
  50. Extension of the World Heritage Site "Historic Centre of Prague" with the important Monuments in its Vicinity (T)
  51. Fuzina Hills in Bohinj (T)
  52. Gravures et peintures rupestres de l'Ennedi et du Tibesti (T)
  53. Harran and Sanliurfa (T)
  54. Hatay, St. Pierre Church (T)
  55. Hejaz Railway (T)
  56. Heritage of Chukotka Arctic Marine Hunters (T)
  57. Historic Center of Qoqon (T)
  58. Historical and Cultural Jeyrakh-Assa Reservation (T)
  59. Historical Features of the Tigris River in Baghdad Rusafa, which extends from the school Al-Mustansiriya to the Abbasid Palace (T)
  60. Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
  61. Historical Relics in Pyongyang (T)
  62. Îles volcaniques de Sao Tomé et Principe (T)
  63. Jame' (Congregational) Mosque of Esfahan (T)
  64. Jerusalem (T)
  65. Jewish Cemetery in Sarajevo (T)
  66. Keibul Lamjao Conservation Area (T)
  67. Kerma (T)
  68. Khor Al-Adaid natural reserve (T)
  69. Khor Dubai (T)
  70. Kirkuk Citadel (T)
  71. Knights Fortifications around the Harbours of Malta (T)
  72. Kyiv: Saint Sophia Cathedral with Related Monastic Buildings, St. Cyril's and St. Andrew's Churches, Kyiv-Pechersk Lavra (T)
  73. La Haute Ville d’Antananarivo (T)
  74. La vieille ville de Zinder, quartier de Birni et le Sultanat (T)
  75. Lalish Temple (T)
  76. Le fleuve Niger, les îles et la vallée (T)
  77. Le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles (T)
  78. Le rivage méditerranéen des Pyrénées (T)
  79. Les Alpes de la Méditerranée (France) (T)
  80. Les Alpes de la Méditerranée (Monaco) (T)
  81. Les villes antiques de la Narbonnaise et leur territoire: Nimes, Arles, Glanum, aqueducs, via Domitia (T)
  82. Leuven/Louvain, batiments universitaires, l'héritage de six siècles au sein du centre historique (T)
  83. Maaloula (T)
  84. Maltese Catacomb Complexes (T)
  85. Mamayev Kurgan Memorial Complex "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" (T)
  86. Manama, City of Trade, Multiculturalism and Religious Coexistence (T)
  87. Mardin Cultural Landscape (T)
  88. Mdina (Citta Vecchia) (T)
  89. Minaret in Vobkent (T)
  90. Mt. Myohyang and the Relics in and around the Mountain (T)
  91. Noréas de Hama (T)
  92. Old City of Mosul (T)
  93. Orheiul Vechi Archaeological Landscape (T)
  94. Palais du Zarmakoye de Dosso (T)
  95. Parc national de Port-Cros (T)
  96. Paysage Culturel des Plantations à Parfums des Iles de la Lune (T)
  97. Persepolis and other relevant buildings (T)
  98. Petroglyphs of Sikachi-Alyan (T)
  99. Providence Island (T)
  100. Rijal Almaa Heritage Village in Assir Region (T)
  101. Rostov Kremlin (T)
  102. Royal Seats in Esztergom, Visegrád (T)
  103. Sarajevo - unique symbol of universal multiculture - continual open city (T)
  104. Sharjah: the Gate to Trucial States (T)
  105. Shaubak Castle (Montreal) (T)
  106. Sheikh Abdullah Al-Jabir Palace (T)
  107. Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill (T)
  108. Silk Roads Sites in Kyrgyzstan (T)
  109. Silk Roads Sites in Tajikistan (T)
  110. Silk Roads Sites in Turkmenistan (T)
  111. Silk Roads Sites in Uzbekistan (T)
  112. Silk Route (Also as Silk Road) (T)
  113. Site Archéologique de Tchitundu-Hulu (T)
  114. Sultanats Historiques des Comores (T)
  115. Susha historical and architectural reserve (T)
  116. Syrian Hajj Road (T)
  117. System of Fortifications at the Confluence of the Rivers Danube and Váh in Komárno - Komárom (Slova) (T)
  118. System of Fortifications at the Confluence of the Rivers Danube and Váh in Komárno - Komárom (Slovak) (T)
  119. Tashkent makhallas (T)
  120. Tbilisi Historic District (T)
  121. The Ancient City of Nineveh (T)
  122. The ancient complex of Preah Khan Kompong Svay (T)
  123. The Archeological complex of Banteay Chhmar (T)
  124. The archeological site of Tanais (T)
  125. The Chinese Section of the Silk Roads (T)
  126. The Fortress of Al-Ukhaidar (T)
  127. The Hawf Area (T)
  128. The historic urban site of Počitelj (T)
  129. The Ilmensky mountains (T)
  130. The monasteries of Tatev and Tatevi Anapat and the adjacent areas of the Vorotan Valley (T)
  131. The monastery of Noravank and the upper Amaghou Valley (T)
  132. The natural and architectural ensemble of Blagaj (T)
  133. The Royal Sites of Ireland: Cashel, Dún Ailinne, Hill of Uisneach, Rathcroghan Complex, and Tara Complex (T)
  134. Treasures of the Pazyryk Culture (T)
  135. Troodos, Mt.Olympus (T)
  136. Ugrarit (Tell Shamra) (T)
  137. University City of Bogotá (T)
  138. University of Tehran (T)
  139. Valley of the Kings of Tuva (T)
  140. Vardzia-Khertvisi (T)
  141. Victoria Lines Fortifications (T)
  142. Virgin Komi Forests (re-nomination) (T)
  143. Volcan Masaya National Park (T)
  144. Wadi Al-Salam Cemetery in Najaf (T)
  145. Wazir Khans Mosque, Lahore (T)
  146. Welwitschia Plains (T)
  147. Western Caucasus (re-nomination) (T)
  148. Yapese Disk Money Regional Sites (T)
  149. Zone Giraphe (T)

Reviewed TWHS