Miguel Marquez Profile
Soy un joven viajero de México que tiene el sueño de conocer y aprender de la mayor cantidad de sitios culturales inscritos en la lista de la UNESCO. Hasta el momento he tenido la oportunidad y el privilegio de estar en 14 países, espero en el futuro próximo poder visitar más.
Me gusta también coleccionar fotos de los lugares que visito y están publicadas en mi cuenta de Instagram: @miguel__marquez
Recent Reviews Miguel Marquez
León Cathedral
Miguel Marquez México - 01-Sep-24

I had the opportunity to visit Nicaragua this summer (August 2024), and with that, its two world heritage sites. I would like to share my impressions of this place that left a great impact during the two days I was in the city and that also allowed me to get to know its streets and other monuments and museums. The enormous cathedral of the city of León is a great monument that surprised me by its size and the thickness of its walls, by its width and its horizontal shape, designed to resist the earthquakes that frequently hit the region, these features allowed the church to reach our days intact
Read OnProfile Data
- Name
- Miguel Marquez
- Country
- México
- Ranking
- 986
- Most Impressive
- Chichen Itzá, Versailles and Ayutthaya
Recently Visited WHS
- Update 17.09.24
- Ayutthaya
- León Cathedral
- Ruins of León Viejo
- Xochicalco
- Copán
- Quirigua
- Tikal National Park
- Versailles
- Joya de Ceren
10 Best Missing
Visited WHS
Rating StatsOporto 5Segovia 5Ayutthaya 4.5Joya de Ceren 4.5Copán 4Hoi An 4My Son 3.5Xochicalco 3.5Mérida 3Quirigua 3Reviewed WHS
Visited TWHS
- Castle of San Felipe de Lara (T)
- Chalchuapa (T)
- Chapultepec Woods, Hill and Castle (T)
- Church of San Salvador de Valdediós (T)
- City of Granada and its natural environment (T)
- Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's Home-Study Museum (T)
- Head Office and Garden of the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation (T)
- Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
- Mining Towns of Central and Southern Honduras: Santa Lucía, Cedros, Ojojona-Guazucarán, San Antonio de Oriente, Tegucigalpa, Yuscarán, El Corpus (T)
- The Cultural Triangle (T)
Reviewed TWHS