Recent Reviews Mike
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- Mike
- Country
- Spain
- Ranking
- 404
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- Venice
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Pombaline 'Baixa' or Downtown of Lisbon.
Roman Ways. Itineraries of the Roman Empire
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- Update 01.05.20
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Rating StatsCordoba 5Ephesus 5Florence 5Granada 5Istanbul 5Prague 5Redwood 5Ancient Nara 4.5Assisi 4.5Brugge 4.5Edinburgh 4.5Hattusha 4.5Medina of Fez 4.5Oporto 4.5Segovia 4.5Seville 4.5Siena 4.5Sintra 4.5Toledo 4.5Avignon 4Québec 4Belem 3.5Chaco Culture 3.5City of Bath 3.5Divrigi 3.5Gwynedd Castles 3.5Himeji-jo 3.5Kinderdijk 3.5Lake District 3.5Salamanca 3.5Strasbourg 3.5Syracuse 3.5Val di Noto 3.5Vall de Boi 3.5Verona 3.5Volubilis 3.5Albi 3Arles 3Avila 3Bordeaux 3Elvas 3Alto Douro 2.5Genbaku Dome 2.5Mammoth Cave 2.5Mérida 2.5Belfries 2Caceres 2Cuenca 2Evora 2Orange 2Pienza 2Troy 2Ibiza 1.5Nancy 1.5Rideau Canal 1.5Tarraco 1.5Wadden Sea 1.5Xanthos-Letoon 1.5Úbeda and Baeza 1.5Aranjuez 1Mafra 1Beemster Polder 0.5Cahokia Mounds 0.5Grand Pré 0.5Saltaire 0.5Reviewed WHS
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