Monika and Rini Profile

We heard of World Heritage by chance back in the early 1990's and started visiting heritage sites in 1995. As we both like travelling very much it's not so difficult to visit some on each trip we make.

Visited Sites Monika and Rini

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Recent Reviews Monika and Rini

Selous Game Reserve

Monika and Rini Netherlands - 02-Apr-10

We visited the Selous Game Reserve last February. There were heavy rainfalls the week before our visit so we have been stuck with our landrovers regularly, even worse we got stuck in the mud with our small airplane as well when we went from Mtemere airstrip to Zanzibar. Luckily we travelled in a group of 3 landrovers, so there was always someone to help.

Selous Game Reserve is huge. Being a tourist you can only see a small part of it, another big part is reserved for hunting. We stayed at a bush camp at Lake Mwanze

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Monika and Rini

Recently Visited WHS

Update 01.09.20

6 Countries Complete

Andorra . Cyprus . Holy See . Luxembourg . Namibia . Paraguay .

Reviewed TWHS