Onkrad Profile
Recent Reviews Onkrad
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- Name
- Onkrad
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- Ranking
- 1165
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- Update 22.08.24
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Visited TWHS
- Casablanca, Ville du XXème siécle, carrefour d'influences (T)
- Cathedral of the Transfiguration of the Savior with the Medieval Rampart City Wall of Pereslavl-Zalessky (1152-1157) (T)
- Complex of the Sudak Fortress Monuments of the 6th - 16th c. (T)
- Ensemble of the Astrakhan Kremlin (T)
- Historic Town Centre of Torzhok and Country Estate Properties Designed by Nikolay Lvov (T)
- Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
- Le Palais de Justice de Bruxelles (T)
- Mamayev Kurgan Memorial Complex "To the Heroes of the Battle of Stalingrad" (T)
- Rostov Kremlin (T)
- Tbilisi Historic District (T)
- The Bodrum Castle (T)
- The Television Tower Stuttgart. Archetype and symbol of modern mass communication (T)
- Trading Posts and Fortifications on Genoese Trade Routes from the Mediterranean to the Black Sea (T)
- Uplistsikhe Cave Town (T)
Reviewed TWHS