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Recent Reviews Ssong.x

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Yingxian Wood Tower

4 Countries Complete

Cambodia . Chile . Holy See . Luxembourg .

Rating Stats
Bagan 5
Prague 5
Yin Xu 5
Borobudur 4.5
Fujisan 4.5
Istanbul 4.5
Macao 4.5
Pergamon 4.5
Ping Yao 4.5
Prambanan 4.5
Rome 4.5
Uxmal 4.5
Vienna 4.5
Yazd 4.5
Kotor 4
Lima 4
Nikko 4
Arequipa 3.5
Bethlehem 3.5
Cuzco 3.5
Hiraizumi 3.5
Verona 3.5
West Lake 3.5
Jeju 3
Masada 3
Warsaw 3
Mostar 2.5
Novgorod 2.5
  1. Amalienborg and its district (T)
  2. Ancient cities of Upper Myanmar : Innwa, Amarapura, Sagaing, Mingun, Mandalay (T)
  3. Archaeological Sites of the Ancient Shu State: Site at Jinsha and Joint Tombs of Boat- shaped Coffins in Chengdu City, S (T)
  4. Baquedano Street (T)
  5. Brooklyn Bridge (T)
  6. Casablanca, Ville du XXème siécle, carrefour d'influences (T)
  7. Central Campus of the University of Havana (T)
  8. Chapultepec Woods, Hill and Castle (T)
  9. Chinese Section of the Silk Road (T)
  10. City Walls of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (T)
  11. Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo's Home-Study Museum (T)
  12. Dunhuang Yardangs (T)
  13. Early Chicago Skyscrapers (T)
  14. El Vedado, ciudad jardín temprana (T)
  15. Ellis Island (T)
  16. Hiraizumi - Temples, Gardens and Archaeological Sites Representing the Buddhist Pure Land (extension) (T)
  17. Hisham's Palace/ Khirbet al- Mafjar (T)
  18. Jerusalem (T)
  19. La Moneda Palace (T)
  20. Lake Titicaca (T)
  21. Maijishan Scenic Spots (T)
  22. Mount Gerizim and the Samaritans (T)
  23. Old Town of Nablus and its environs (T)
  24. Persepolis and other relevant buildings (T)
  25. Qinghai Lake (T)
  26. QUMRAN: Caves and Monastery of the Dead Sea Scrolls (T)
  27. Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
  28. San Francisco Church and Convent (T)
  29. San Pedro de Atacama (T)
  30. Sarajevo - unique symbol of universal multiculture - continual open city (T)
  31. Shwedagon Pagoda on Singuttara Hill (T)
  32. Site of Southern Yue State (T)
  33. Slender West Lake and Historic Urban Area in Yangzhou (T)
  34. The Ancient Waterfront Towns in the South of Yangtze River (T)
  35. The Chinese Section of the Silk Roads (T)
  36. The Four Sacred Mountains as an Extension of Mt. Taishan (T)
  37. The Galilee Journeys of Jesus & the Apostles (T)
  38. The Historical City of Masouleh (T)
  39. The Lofoten islands (T)
  40. The Old Town of Jakarta (T)
  41. Torres del Paine and Bernardo O'Higgins National Parks, Region of Magallanes (T)
  42. University of Tehran (T)
  43. Vertical Vegetation Landscape and Volcanic Landscape in Changbai Mountain (T)
  44. Western Xia Imperial Tombs (T)
  45. Wooden Structures of Liao Dynasty - Wooden Pagoda of Yingxian County, Main Hall of Fengguo Monastery of Yixian County (T)

Reviewed TWHS