Tcchang0825 Profile
Recent Reviews Tcchang0825
Profile Data
- Name
- Tcchang0825
- Country
- Taiwan
- Ranking
- 457
Recently Visited WHS
- Update 13.06.21
10 Best Missing
Visited WHS
Reviewed WHS
Visited TWHS
- Amalienborg and its district (T)
- Balaton Uplands Cultural Landscape (T)
- Centre historique d'Irkoutsk (T)
- Cittadella (Victoria - Gozo) (T)
- City Walls of the Ming and Qing Dynasties (T)
- Dali Chanshan Mountain and Erhai Lake Scenic Spot (T)
- Diocletian's Palace and the Historical Nucleus of Split (extension) (T)
- Fenghuang Ancient City (T)
- Historical Lisbon, Global City (T)
- Historical-town planning ensemble of Ston (T)
- Hua Shan Scenic Area (T)
- Lake Titicaca (T)
- Les villes antiques de la Narbonnaise et leur territoire: Nimes, Arles, Glanum, aqueducs, via Domitia (T)
- Ödön Lechner's independent pre-modern architecture (T)
- Rouen : ensemble urbain à pans de bois, cathédrale, église Saint-Ouen, église Saint Maclou (T)
- Sacred Titicaca Lake (T)
- Salt Mines of Maras (T)
- San Pedro de Atacama (T)
- SanFangQiXiang (T)
- Temples, Shrines and other structures of Ancient Kamakura (T)
- The Ancient Waterfront Towns in the South of Yangtze River (T)
- The concept of the lenticular historical town core of Kosice City (T)
- The historic urban site of Počitelj (T)
- The Karlstejn Castle (T)
- Vertical Vegetation Landscape and Volcanic Landscape in Changbai Mountain (T)
- Zadar - Episcopal complex (T)
Reviewed TWHS