Ancestor Worship

WHS where Ancestor Worship is practiced. Term must be in OUV statement or AB evaluation.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Ambohimanga "The landscape of the Royal Hill of Ambohimanga is associated ... with traditions and living beliefs having an Outstanding Universal Value (ancestor worship)." (OUV intro)
Borobudur "Borobudur Temple Compounds is an exceptional reflection of a blending of the very central idea of indigenous ancestor worship and the Buddhist concept of attaining Nirvana." (OUV)
Gusuku of Ryukyu "Criterion (vi): The Ryukyu sacred sites constitute an exceptional example of an indigenous form of nature and ancestor worship that has survived intact into the modern age alongside other established world religions." (OUV)
Jongmyo Shrine Criteria iv: Jongmyo Shrine is an outstanding example of the Confucian royal ancestral shrine, which has survived relatively intact since the 16th century, the importance of which is enhanced by the persistence there of an important element of the intangible cultural heritage in the form of traditional ritual practices and forms. - UNESCO Description
Moidams "Tai-Ahom spirituality is oriented around ancestor worship" (AB ev)
Royal Joseon Tombs Criteria iv: ".. The royal tombs, in their response to settings and in their unique (and regularized) configuration of buildings, structures and related elements, manifest and reinforce the centuries old tradition and living practice of ancestral worship through a prescribed series of rituals." (OUV)
The Royal Court of Tiébélé "Each domain is arranged around mother houses or Dinian (...).the thirty-two Dinian in the Royal Court of Tiébélé all have an outdoor altar dedicated to the spirits of the ancestors." (Ab Ev)
Tusi Sites "the State Party has provided additional information on the rituals associated with “chief worship” at Laosicheng and Tangya" (AB ev)
Yogyakarta "interchange of human values and ideas between different belief systems related to Javanese animism and ancestor worship, Hinduism and Buddhism from India, Sufi Islam from either India or the Middle East, and Western influences" (OUV)


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