
A cathedral is a Christian church that contains the seat of a bishop.

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Aachen Cathedral Church of St Mary/"Kaiserdom"
Albi Cathedral (late 13th century)
Alcala de Henares Magesterial Cath
Aleppo Cathedral of the Forty Martyrs
Amiens Cathedral Bas Cat de Notre Dame
Angra do Heroismo Se Cathedrale
Antigua Guatemala Cat de San Jose (Former Cath)
Aquileia Bas di S Maria Assunta (Former Cath)
Arab-Norman Palermo Palermo Cathedral, Monreale Cathedral, Cefalù Cathedral
Arequipa Basilica Cathedral
Asmara Enda Mariam Cathedral - cathedral of the Eritrean Orthodox Tewahedo Church.
Assisi San Rufinus
Avignon Bas Cat Notre Dame des Doms
Avila The Saviours
Bamberg St Peter und St Georg
Bardejov Town St Aegidius
Belfries Cathedral of Our Lady (Antwerp), tower of the St. Rumbold's Cathedral (Mechelen), Basilica of Our Lady in Tongeren (former cathedral)
Berat and Gjirokastra Berat: the Cathedral of St. Mary of the Annunciation (13th cent., restored in 1747)
Bordeaux Cath Saint-Andre, Cath SJ-Baptitste - Former Cath
Bosra Cathedral of Bosra (former cath)
Bourges Cathedral St Etienne
Brasilia Metro' Nossa Sen'a Aparecida, Cat Militar Sta Maria dos Militares
Bridgetown St. Patrick's Cathedral - Catholic and St. Michael's Cathedral - Anglican
Brugge St Salvador
Burgos Cathedral Our Lady of Burgos
Burgundy Cathédrale Saint-Bénigne (Dijon)
Butrint Byzantine (former)
Caceres St Mary's co-Cathedral
Camagüey Catedral de Nuestra Señora de la Candelaria (rebuilt 19th century)
Camino Real San Luis Potosi (Baroque 1670-1740) and Durango started 1675 Baroque
Canterbury Church of Christ
Cartagena San Pedro
Cathedral of St. James in Sibenik St. James
Chartres Cathedral Notre Dame
Churches and Convents of Goa Sé Cathedral
Churches of the Pskov School of Architecture Transfiguration Cathedral in the Ensemble of the Spaso-Mirozhsky Monastery
Cidade Velha Sé Catedral (ruins)
Cienfuegos Catedral de la Purisima Concepción. The two-towered, neo-classical building was finished in 1869 and consecrated as cathedral in 1904.
City of Luxembourg Notre Dame
Cologne Cathedral Domkirk SS Peter und Maria
Cordoba Mezquita de Córdoba
Coro and its Port "Pope Clement VII made Coro South America's first bishopric in 1531 , thus this Church became the first Cathedral."
Costiera Amalfitana St Andrew
Cuenca Nuestra Senora de Gracia
Cuzco Santo Domingo
Damascus Virgin Mary's Cathedral: It was built in the 2nd century A.C. It is considered the oldest church in Damascus
Diamantina Cat Metro Santo Antonio
Dubrovnik Assumption
Durham Castle and Cathedral Durham Cathedral
Echmiatsin and Zvartnots St Gregory, St George (Ruined)
Edinburgh St Giles High Kirk/Cathedral, St Mary's Metropolitan Cath
Elvas Nossa Senhora da Assunção
Evora Sao Francisco
Ferapontov Monastery cathedral of the Nativity of the Holy Virgin
Ferrara Bas Cat di S Giorgio
Florence Bas Cat Sta Maria del Fiore
Fortifications of Vauban Cathédrale Saint-Jean (Besançon)
Goias Catedral Santa Ana
Grand-Bassam Cathédrale Sacré Coeur
Graz St Agidius
Harar Jugol Medhane Alem Cathedral
Hidden Christian Sites in the Nagasaki Region Oura Cathedral
Hildesheim Cathedral and Church St. Mary's Cathedral
Ibiza Our lady of the Snows
Island of Saint-Louis Cathédrale Saint Louis, 1828 Neoclassical facade
Istanbul Hagia Sophia (Former Cath)
Kasbah of Algiers The Ketchaoua mosque was before independence in 1962 the cathedral of St Philippe, itself made in 1845 from a mosque dating from 1612
Kazan Kremlin Annunciation Cathedral (1554-62), the only 16th-century Russian church to have six piers and five apses
Kotor St Tryphon
Kraków Wawel
Kremlin and Red Square Anunciation, Dormition, Archangel Michael, St Basils
Kujataa During the Norse period, from 1000- 1500 AD, Igaliku was known as Gardar and was the main seat of the church. Christianity was introduced to Greenland at the turn of the last millennium, and Greenland got its first bishop in 1124. The impressive episcopal residence Garðar was established shortly afterwards in Igaliku. A cathedral was built, and was the biggest church in Greenland in the Middle Ages.
Kutna Hora Cath of Our Lady at Sedlec
Kyiv Cathedral and Lavra St Sophia Cath
L'viv Armenian Catholic Cathedral, Latin Cathedral and probably St. George's Cathedral
Le Havre Cathedral of Le Havre, one of the few surviving structures from before WWII in the city center
León Cathedral
Lima Cat Bas St Juan Apostol
Loire Valley Cathédrale Sainte-Croix d'Orléans; cathédrale Saint-Louis (Blois); cathédrale Saint-Gatien (Tours)
Lyon Cat St Jean Baptiste
Macao St Pauls (Ruined), Se Cat da Natividade de N Senhora
Mantua and Sabbioneta Duomo di Mantova (Saint Peter's Cathedral)
Mbanza Kongo Kulumbimbi is the Cathedral of the Holy Saviour, the first episcopal seat in Africa south of the Equator, and it forms the heart of the identity of the Kingdom of Kongo (AB ev)
Mexico City and Xochimilco Metrop Cath of the Ascension
Modena Cat S Maria Assunta
Morelia Catedral de los Monjas
Mtskheta Svetitskhoveli
Mudejar Architecture of Aragon Sta Maria de Mediavilla, La Seo
Naples San Gennaro
Naumburg Cathedral
Notre-Dame Cathedral in Tournai Notre-Dame Cathedral
Novgorod St Sophia
Oaxaca and Monte Alban Cath of the Virgin of the Assump'
Ohrid Region The Church of Saint Sophia was basically rebuilt in the last decade of the 10th century as a patriarchal cathedral in the form of a dome basilica. It later became a seat of the Archbishopric of Ohrid, under the Patriarchate of Constantinople until the 18th century.
Old City of Jerusalem Basilica of Holy Sepulchre, Co-Cath of Most Holy Name of Jesus, St James Cathedral
Old Havana St Cristopher
Olinda Cat metro Sao Salvador
Oporto Nossa Senhora
Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles Padua Cathedral, or Basilica Cathedral of Saint Mary of the Assumption (the frescoes are in the Baptistery)
Panamá "impressive ruins of the cathedral" (Panama Viejo, AB ev)
Paramaribo Roman Catholic Cathedral St. Petrus en Paulus
Paris, Banks of the Seine Notre Dame, cathédrale Saint-Louis-des-Invalides
Piazza del Duomo (Pisa) Duomo
Pienza Cathedral Santa Maria Assunta (1459-1462), Gothic
Popocatepetl monasteries Cath of the assumption of Mary
Potosi Cath Bas de Nstra Senora de la Paz
Prague Metropolitan Cathedral of Saints Vitus, Wenceslaus and Adalbert
Puebla Immaculate Conception
Querétaro Church of San Francisco served as a Cathedral until 1921 when it was chaged to San Felipe Neri. Both are within the WHS boundaries
Quito Virgin Asunta al cielo
Québec Notre Dame
Rabat St. Peter's Cathedral (1919), the ecclesiastical seat of the Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Rabat.
Regensburg St Peter
Reims Notre Dame
Riga St Mary's Dome
Rome Basilica of St. John Lateran
Roskilde Cathedral Domkirk
Route of Santiago de Compostela St Pedro, Jaca
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France Cathedrale St Front (Perigueux), Ancienne Cathedrale (Bazas), Cath Notre Dame (Bayonne), Cathedrale Saint Capres (Agen), Bas Cath Notre Dame (Le Puy), C ND dl Sede (St Lizier) - Former Cath, N-D St B
Ruins of León Viejo Ruins of the cathedral
Salamanca St Mary's ("Old"), Assumpt of Virign ("New")
Salvador de Bahia Cathedral Basilica of Salvador
Salzburg SS Virgil + Rupert
San Cristobal de La Laguna Our Lady of the Remedies
Santa Ana de los Rios de Cuenca Old and New Cathedral (only latter is in use), Neo-Gothic style (1880)
Santiago de Compostela Santiago de Compostela Cath
Santo Domingo Sta Maria la Menor
Segovia St Mary's
Seville St Mary of the Sees
Siena Cat di S Maria Assunta
Speyer Cathedral SS Mary + Stephen
Spissky Hrad and Levoca Spisska Kapitula - St Martin Cathedral
St. Petersburg St Isaacs, St Sampson, Our Lady of Kazan, SS Peter + Paul, Smolny Cath, St Nicholas Naval Cath, Transfiguration, Trinity, St Andrews, Grand Church of the Winter Palace ( consecrated as a cathedral in 1763)
Stone Town of Zanzibar Stonetown Anglican Cathedral
Strasbourg Strasbourg Cathedral
Sucre Cath-Basil de N Senora de Guad
Sviyazhsk Assumption Cathedral (16th century, Russian-Orthodox)
Syracuse "The Cathedral was built by bishop Zosimo in the 7th century over the great Temple of Athens (5th century BC), on the Ortygia island. This was a Doric edifice with six columns on the short sides and 14 on the long ones: these can still be seen incorporated in the walls of the current church." (Wiki)
São Luis Cat Met Nossa Senorha da Vitoria
Tallinn Alexander Nevsky Cathedral
Tauric Chersonese The Saint Vladimir Cathedral is a Neo-Byzantine Russian Orthodox cathedral on the site of Chersonesos Taurica (wiki)
Thessalonika Hagia Sophia - "In 1205, when the Fourth Crusade captured the city, the Hagia Sophia was converted into the cathedral of Thessaloniki, which it remained after the city was returned to the Byzantine Empire in 1246."
Tipasa Grand Basilica (former cathedral)
Toledo St Mary's
Torun SS John the Baptist/Evangelist
Trier Cath of St Peter
Trinity Sergius Lavra Holy Trinity Cathedral
University of Coimbra 12th century Cathedral of Santa Maria
Urbino Bas Cat di S Maria assunta
Val d'Orcia Montalcino Cathedral (Nomination file, p. 79)
Val di Noto Bas Cat di S Giuliano (Caltagirone), Cat di San Nicolo (Noto), Cat di S Giovan Bat (Ragusa), Bas Cat di S Agata (Catania)
Valletta St Johns
Venice and its Lagoon St Marks, Co-Cath S Pietro di Castello (Olivolo), Bas Cat SM Ass (Torcello) Former Cath
Verona Cat di Sta Maria Annun
Vicenza and the Palladian Villas Cat di Sta Maria Annun
Vienna St. Stephen's Cathedral
Vigan Met Cat Conversion of St Paul
Vilnius SS Stanislav and Vladislav
Visby St Mary
Warsaw St Johns, Cath of St Michael Arch + St Florian, Co-Cath of Our Lady of Victory
Westminster Westminster Abbey (former): for short periods in the 16th century, the church had cathedral status ("Henry VIII assumed direct control of the abbey in 1539 and granted it the status of a cathedral by charter in 1540, simultaneously issuing letters patent establishing the Diocese of Westminster. By granting the abbey cathedral status, Henry VIII gained an excuse to spare it from the destruction or dissolution which he inflicted on most English abbeys during this period.")
White Monuments of Vladimir and Suzdal Cathedral of the Assumption (1158)
Willemstad Cath of Our Lady of the holy Rosary
Zacatecas Cath Basil - Virgin of the Assump'
Zamość Holy Ascension + St Thomas
Úbeda and Baeza Sta Maria


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