Cultural landscape not recognized

This connection covers WHS which were identified as a potential Cultural Landscape in the Nomination and/or the AB evaluation but have not been recognised as such in the "official" UNESCO List of Cultural Landscapes.

It is closely related to WHS that were inscribed as Cultural Landscapes (CL) according to the WHC decisions, but are not identified as such by UNESCO on its website. Those are listed under Inscribed as CL but not identified as such by UNESCO.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Aflaj irrigation system ICOMOS: "The wider nomination should be considered as a collection of cultural landscapes representing distinctive, long-standing, sustainable and living ways of managing water resources"
Al Ain Nominated as such, no clear stand from ICOMOS (because negative about the OUV of it all)
Ancient Nara 1997 AB eval states "the Nara Palace Site, the Kasuga-Taisha Compound, and the Kasugayama Primeval Forest are sites, whilst the latter two are also associative cultural landscapes"
Ani Ani was originally nominated as a cultural landscape, but in a revision dated February 2016, Ani was put forward as an archaeological site by Turkey (ICOMOS regarded "that the comparative analysis is insufficient to demonstrate that the property is an outstanding example of a cultural landscape" AB ev)
Assisi Both the official description and the AB Ev refer to Assisi as a cultural landscape. "Assisi represents a unique example of continuity of a city-sanctuary within its environmental setting from its Umbrian-Roman and medieval origins to the present, represented in the cultural landscape, the religious ensembles, systems of communication, and traditional land-use. (Criterion iii - Official description) – "The territory forms a cultural landscape with natural and human elements, such as settlements, religious ensembles, road systems, traditional systems of cultivation, and agricultural management structures." "Assisi and its built territory represent an outstanding example of an Umbrian hill town and cultural landscape that has maintained its historical stratigraphy since antiquity." (AB Ev)
Beemster Polder Brought forward as cultural landscape in AB ev
Butrint Clearly described as a CL in 1997 extension. Relict.
Chankillo Archaeoastronomical Complex The Nomination File and the AB Ev from IUCN (May 2020) refer to the site as a cultural landscape.
City of Luxembourg AB Ev: "(...) the old quarters and fortress of Luxembourg certainly constitute a cultural landscape, and so the cultural property proposed basically satisfies criterion vi, since it bas been admired by many artists and writers (...)"
Derwent Valley Mills Clearly described as a CL in 2001 AB evaluation. Is industrial landscape, relict.
Djerba ICOMOS: "the nature of the property as a testimony to a settlement pattern that structured the island rather than a cultural landscape"
Falun Great Copper Mountain Title calls it a "CL" (full nomination name = The historic cultural landscape of the Great Copper Mountain in Falun) and ICOMOS recognises this in evaluation (It is also a cultural landscape)
Ferrara 1999 extension in AB ev described as cultural landscape - crit v of the inscription even says "The Po Delta is an outstanding planned cultural landscape"
Fujisan Described in AB as "to be managed as a CL". If so would be "Assoc"?
Great Burkhan Khaldun Mountain Specifically descr as a CL in AB eval! No type given - "Assoc" and "Continuing"?
Khangchendzonga National Park AB eval states "ICOMOS recommends that Khangchedzonga National Park, India, be inscribed on the World Heritage List as a cultural landscape on the basis of cultural criteria (iii) and (vi)."
Laponian Area Proposed as a cultural landscape and recognized as such according to OUV crit v : a cultural landscape reflecting the ancestral way of life of the Saami people
Las Medulas Clearly described as a CL in 1997 extension
Lenggong Valley Proposed as a relict cultural landscape
Melka Kunture and Balchit
Moidams "ICOMOS consulted the State Party about whether the nominated property should be evaluated as a cultural landscape. ICOMOS considers that the presence of the Tai-Ahom for six centuries has contributed to the cultural, historical and spiritual richness of the site, and that the natural landscape was selected and modified for this purpose. (...)the State Party was not in favour of this possibility because of the specific architectural characteristics, the lack of a seamless integration with the natural environment, and the relatively modest size of the nominated property." (Ab Ev)
Palmeral of Elche The Palm Grove may also be considered to conform with the continuing organic cultural landscape (AB ev)
Pergamon Is titled a CL and it was clearly accepted as a CL by ICOMOS -not clear why it isnt on the UNESCO CL List
Rock Islands Clearly nominated as a CL and recognised as such by ICOMOS
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France The AB Ev states it "may also be a linear cultural landscape". (Ab Ev)
Røros Clearly descr as a CL in 2010 extension
Sambor Prei Kuk Nomination says "it is also nominated as a cultural landscape." AB ev: "In its Interim Report, ICOMOS noted that the use of the term ‘Cultural Landscape’ in the name of the property as originally proposed by the State Party could not be said to be entirely appropriate at the present time on the basis of the information provided. In its reply, the State Party agreed with that comment and revised the name of the property from “Sambor Prei Kuk Archaeological Sites Representing the Cultural Landscape of Ancient Ishanapura” to “Sambor Prei Kuk Archaeological Site of Ancient Ishanapura”."
Sceilg Mhichíl AB ev states "Since the entire island is covered by the nomination, it may also be considered to be a cultural landscape", but it is not recognized as such on the UNESCO website.
Schokland Not officially a CL? - the words are used
Sewell Mining Town AB ev: could also be a cultural landscape
Stari Grad Plain Clearly accepted as a CL by ICOMOS - not clear why not on UNESCO CL List
Tsodilo Proposed as a cultural landscape, and supported as such by ICOMOS: "Tsodilo should be considered as a cultural landscape because it is well qualified in this category of cultural site. It qualifies primarily under category iii, "an associative cultural landscape"
Upper Svaneti It should also be considered to be a cultural landscape (AB ev)
Vall de Boi The official description states: "The Romanesque churches and the villages where they stand form an excellent example of a cultural landscape that has flourished in harmony with a natural environment that has remained intact to this day." However the Vall de Boi does not feature on the Unesco CL list.
Villa d'Este "It is also a cultural landscape" (AB) and Fowler "Villa d'Este, Tivoli, Italy, inscribed but not recognized as the category 1 cultural landscape which it clearly is;" Page 23
Wadi Rum AB "cannot be said to substantiate the property as a CL that demonstrates an exceptional reflection of Cultural traditions over time". Was this why it wasn't inscribed as CL by UNESCO??


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  1. Not be "self evident"
  2. Link at least 3 different sites
  3. Not duplicate or merely subdivide the "Category" assignment already identified on this site.
  4. Add some knowledge or insight (whether significant or trivial!) about WHS for the users of this site
  5. Be explained, with reference to a source