
Donatello (c. 1386-1466) was an Italian sculptor of the Renaissance period.

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Florence Donatello made statues and artwork for several places in Florence, such as the Cathedral, the Baptistry, the Basilica of San Lorenzo and Orsanmichele. His work can also be found in the Palazzo Vecchio, the Museo dell'Opera del Duomo, Santa Croce and the Bargello (the bronze David).
Museumsinsel (Museum Island) The Bode Museum houses the Pazzi Madonna, "a rectangular "stiacciato" marble relief sculpture by Donatello".
Naples The tomb of Cardinal Rainaldo Brancacci in the church of Sant'Angelo a Nilo is a sculptural work executed by Donatello and Michelozzo around 1426-1428.
Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles The equestrian monument of Gattamelata in front of the Basilica of Saint Athony is by Donatello. Donatello also created the high altar in the Basilica and "the gilded bronze statues that decorate it". (Nomination file, p. 114-115)
Rome "The floor of the basilica, in Cosmatesque style, is full of burials and funerary gravestones. That of the archdeacon of Aquileia Giovanni Crivelli was created by Donatello, who was in Rome between 1431 and 1433."
Siena Donatello was one of the artists who completed works in the cathedral. The cathedral houses a bronze relief sculpture called "The Feast of Herod" and a bronze sculpture of St. John the Baptist. (wiki)
Vatican City Donatello made a tabernacle surround for Saint Peter's in marble relief, which is now in the museum there.
Venice and its Lagoon The Santa Maria Gloriosa dei Frari holds a figure of St. John the Baptist by Donatello in the first south choir chapel.


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