Dual WHS names

WHS where the official name is written in 2 different languages, but where these names are not mere translations. Excludes the combination of the WH working languages English and French.

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Fraser Island Butchulla (Badjala) language (K’gari) and English (Fraser Island). Legend has it that K'gari was named after a "beautiful white spirit called Princess K'gari", while European settlers who arrived in 1847 named the island "Fraser Island" after Captain James Fraser, master of Stirling Castle, who was shipwrecked and died on the island.
Marquesas Islands Te Henua Enata – The Marquesas Islands: Te Henua Enata in (North) Marquesan means "the land of men", while the Marquesas Islands in English/French were named after "after the wife of the 16th century Spanish Viceroy of Peru, the Marquis of Cañete (Spanish: Marqués de Cañete) by navigator Álvaro de Mendaña, who visited them in 1595."
Twyfelfontein Twyfelfontein is Afrikaans and means uncertain spring). ǀUi-ǁAis is Damara/Nama and means jumping waterhole. Different but similar, which may be attributed to exoticizing of indigenous languages.
Victoria Falls Mosi-oa-Tunya in Lozi means "Thundering Smoke", while the falls were named after Queen Victoria in English.
Writing-on-Stone / Áísínai’pi Áísínaiʼpi in the Blackfoot language means "it is pictured / written" (or “place where things are being written"), while the English name Writing-on-Stone is more descriptive of what the European colonists encountered. So, different but similar, which may be attributed to exoticizing of indigenous languages.


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  1. Not be "self evident"
  2. Link at least 3 different sites
  3. Not duplicate or merely subdivide the "Category" assignment already identified on this site.
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  5. Be explained, with reference to a source