Emperor Trajan

Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus, commonly known as Trajan (18 September 53 - 8 August 117), was Roman emperor from AD 98 to 117. Regarded by Gibbon as one of the "Five Good Emperors". Notable for his public building program and expansion of the Roman Empire to its greatest extent with campaigns in Dacia, Armenia and Mesopotamia.

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Dacian Limes "Under Emperor Trajan, Rome conquered the Dacian Kingdom of Decebalus after two wars (101-102 and 105-106 CE), involving thirteen-fourteen Roman legions and approximately 150,000 soldiers."(AB ev) "In 106, at the beginning of his second war against the Dacians, Emperor Trajan established a military stronghold at the site to defend the main passageway through the Carpathian mountains." (wiki Porolissum)
Danube Limes Bad Gögging (ID No 1): Emperor Trajan visited the area around 110 and had a thermal bath built for the garrison. Imprints on the bricks indicate that the bath was financed from both state and private assets of the emperor and was therefore of great importance.
Hatra Led an unsuccessful siege on Hatra in 116/117 AD. "He was personally present at the siege, and it is possible that he suffered heat stroke while in the blazing heat" (wiki)
Lower German Limes "When Nerva died this adoptive son, the able general M. Ulpius Traianus (AD 98–117), was residing in the praetorium at Köln as acting governor of Lower Germany. Trajan's first actions as emperor included the foundation of the Colonia Ulpia Traiana at Xanten and the promotion of the civil settlement at Nijmegen to Ulpia Noviomagus, probably as early as AD 98 or 99." (Nomination file, p. 83-84)
Mérida Trajan's Arch
Nubian Monuments Philae - Trajan's Kiosk
Rabat The later Roman town was constructed close to this settlement, with a set of monumental buildings around the forum, during the reign of the Emperor Trajan. It includes the remains of a capitol, a triumphal arch, a basilica and a curia. (AB ev)
Rome Trajan's Column. Also Trajan's Market and Trajan's Forum
Timgad Trajan's Arch
Via Appia "the road (...) was completed in 109 CE by the Emperor Trajan who added the Via Traiana to the last stretch of the Via Appia, connecting Beneventum (Benevento) to Brindisi more easily along the Adriatic Coast." (AB Ev)


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