Gae Aulenti

Gaetana "Gae" Aulenti (1927-2012) was an Italian architect and designer known for her work in furniture design, graphic design, stage design, lighting design, exhibition and interior design. (Wikipedia)

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Ferrara In 2004, the restoration of the Castello Estense was completed with the inauguration of the €1.7m new museum display ideated by Gae Aulenti.
Paris, Banks of the Seine In 1981, Aulenti "was chosen to turn the 1900 Beaux Arts Gare d'Orsay train station, a spectacular landmark originally designed by Victor Laloux, into the Musée d'Orsay, a museum of mainly French art from 1848 to 1915."
Venice and its Lagoon Aulenti restored the Palazzo Grassi as an art museum.


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