
Giotto (di Bondone) (c. 1267-1337) was an Italian painter and architect from Florence during the Late Middle Ages.

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Assisi "Its medieval art masterpieces, such as the Basilica of San Francesco and paintings by Cimabue, Pietro Lorenzetti, Simone Martini and Giotto, have made Assisi a fundamental reference point for the development of Italian and European art and architecture." (Official description) - The nave of the Upper Basilica of Saint Francis is dominated by the fresco cycle attributed to Giotto: 28 episodes of the life of Saint Francis. (Nomination file, p. 18) - "From 1306 from 1311 Giotto was in Assisi, where he painted the frescoes in the transept area of the Lower Church of the Basilica of St. Francis, including The Life of Christ, Franciscan Allegories and the Magdalene Chapel".
Florence "The city's history is further evident in the artistic works of great masters such as Giotto, Brunelleschi, Botticelli and Michelangelo." (Official description) - Giotto designed the freestanding campanile of Florence Cathedral.
Naples In 1329 "Giotto was called by King Robert of Anjou to Naples where he remained with a group of pupils until 1333. Few of Giotto's Neapolitan works have survived: a fragment of a fresco portraying the Lamentation of Christ in the church of Santa Chiara and the Illustrious Men that is painted on the windows of the Santa Barbara Chapel of Castel Nuovo, which are usually attributed to his pupils." (wiki)
Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles The fresco cycles "include Giotto's Scrovegni Chapel fresco cycle, considered to have marked the beginning of a revolutionary development in the history of mural painting". (Official description)
Vatican City "The Navicella (literally "little ship") or Bark of St. Peter, of Old Saint Peter's Basilica in Rome, was a large and famous mosaic by Giotto di Bondone that occupied a large part of the wall above the entrance arcade (...) It was almost entirely destroyed during the construction of the new Saint Peter's Basilica in the 17th century, but fragments were preserved from the sides of the composition, and what is effectively a new work, incorporating some original fragments, was restored to a position at the centre of the portico of the new building in 1675."


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