
Johann Wolfgang von Goethe was a German writer (1749-1832).

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Agrigento "(...) Goethe, in whose "Italiänische Reise" the most moving pages are devoted to the natural and artistic beauties of Agrigento." (AB Ev) - Johann Wolfgang von Goethe describes his visit to the site in his work "Italian Journey".
Assisi Temple of Minerva: "The temple was visited and described by the German poet Goethe during his travels in Italy, as the first ancient structure in good condition seen during his life (1786)."
Botanical Garden, Padua
City of Luxembourg "The mighty structures of the former Luxembourg fortress (...) were so impressive that Goethe, while on a short visit to the city in 1792, was inspired to write the following words: "He who has not seen Luxembourg simply cannot picture these war structures, juxtaposed and superimposed as they are (...)." The famous writer expressed his greatest awe of the city of Luxembourg, however, in the following comment: "There is so much greatness and grace here, so much gravity combined with gentleness, that one wishes Poussin had employed his wonderful talent in such an environment.""
Classical Weimar Lived here - Goethe?s House is part of the inscribed monuments
Cologne Cathedral Mentioned it in his "Von Deutscher Baukunst" (1823)
Florence Italian Journey
Great Spa Towns of Europe Goethe visited the Small Versailles Inn in Karlovy Vary in 1820.
Mount Etna Goethe visited Mount Etna during his Grand Tour. (Nomination file, p. 72)
Naples Italian Journey
Naumburg Cathedral Johann Wolfgang von Goethe (1749 – 1832) also visited the Naumburg Cathedral on 17 April 1813, where he sought to purchase some work of art “by acquisition, exchange or pillaging”. (nom file)
Piazza del Duomo (Pisa) Italian Journey
Rammelsberg and Goslar Goslar among others in his Harz Journey
Regensburg Part of his Italian Journey
Rome Italian Journey
Siena Italian Journey
Strasbourg Studied there
Syracuse Italian Journey
Tarnowskie Góry Lead-Silver-Zinc Mine Goethe visited the "Fryderyk" mine in September 1790 and left an entry in the guestbook.
Val di Noto Palazzo Biscari (Catania): "Einen berühmten Besucher kann der Palazzo Biscari verzeichnen: Johann Wolfgang Goethe, der am 3. Mai 1787 vom Fürsten Vincenzo empfangen wurde." (wiki de)
Vatican City Italian Journey
Venice and its Lagoon Italian Journey


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