Middle Pleistocene

The Middle Pleistocene, more specifically referred to as the Ionian stage, is a period of geologic time from ca. 781 to 126 thousand years ago.

See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Middle_Pleistocene

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Australian Fossil Mammal Sites The older fossils occur at Riversleigh, which boasts an outstanding collection from the Oligocene to Miocene, some 10-30 million years ago. The more recent story then moves to Naracoorte, where one of the richest deposits of vertebrate fossils from the glacial periods of the mid-Pleistocene to the current day (from 530,000 years ago to the present) is conserved. (Nom file)
Carlsbad Caverns The decoration of Carlsbad Cavern with stalactites, stalagmites and an incredible variety of other formations began more than 500,000 years ago after much of the cavern had been carved out.
Fraser Island It is made up of sand that has been accumulating for approximately 750,000 years on volcanic bedrock that provides a natural catchment for the sediment which is carried on a strong offshore current northwards along the coast. (wiki)
Great Barrier Reef The Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority (GBRMPA) considers the earliest evidence of complete reef structures to have been 600,000 years ago. (Wiki)
Hawaii Volcanoes Mauna Loa has probably been erupting for at least 700,000 years. (Wiki)
Isole Eolie The present shape of the Aeolian Islands is the result of volcanic activity over a period of 260,000 years. (Wiki)
Lena Pillars Lena Pillars were formed some 400000 years ago. Nom file
Lenggong Valley 1.83 million years ago and again 200,000-100,000 years ago (AB ev)
Lower Valley of the Omo The oldest hominid remains are 200,000 years old (Ionian).
Mount Carmel Caves 500,000 years ago (AB ev)
Mount Etna About 300,000 years ago, volcanism began occurring to the southwest of the summit (centre top of volcano) then, before activity moved towards the present centre 170,000 years ago. (Wiki)
Peking Man Site Homo Erectus Pekinensis lived in the Middle Pleistocene Period, 700,000 to 200,000 years before modern times (AB ev)
Pitons Management Area Qualibou, also known as the Soufrière Volcanic Centre is a 3.5 X 5 km wide caldera on the island of Saint Lucia that formed approximately 32-39,000 years ago. This eruption also formed the Choiseul Tuff which covers the south east portion of the island. The Pitons are two large lava domes that formed 200-300,000 years ago, some time before the formation of the caldera and since then other domes have filled the caldera floor. (wiki)
Sangay National Park Sangay developed in three distinct phases. Its oldest edifice, formed between 500,000 and 250,000 years ago, is evidenced today by a wide scattering of material opening to the east, defined by a crest about 4,000 m (13,120 ft) high. (wiki)
Skocjan Caves Vor einigen 100.000 Jahren stürzten Höhlendecken über dem Fluss ein. Dadurch entstanden die Einsturzdolinen Grosses Tal (Velika dolina, 165 m tief) und Kleines Tal (Mala dolina, 120 m tief). In der Sohle des Grossen Tals versickert die Reka endgültig. (wiki)
The Pleistocene Occupation Sites of South Africa "the development of modern human behaviour, reaching back as far as 162,000 years" (AB ev)
Tongariro National Park In geological terms, the landforms of Tongariro National Park are comparatively young. These volcanoes are all less than 500,000 years old and still active.
Volcanoes of Kamchatka


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