
WHS with mudflats or tidal flats in their core zones.

Connected Sites

Site Rationale Link
Aldabra Atoll "mangrove mudflats with minimal human impact" (OUV)
Banc d'Arguin "coastal areas covered with marshes and mudflats" (AB ev)
Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats "one of the world’s largest and most productive tidal flat ecosystems" (OUV)
Gulf of California "ranging from a variety of pelagic and benthic environments to coral reefs, as well as mudflats, coastal wetlands and various types of desert and deciduous forest." (OUV)
Kakadu National Park "including extensive areas of savanna woodlands, open forest, floodplains, mangroves, tidal mudflats" (OUV)
Migratory Bird Sanctuaries China "The property’s tidal flats are of exceptional importance for the conservation of the world’s migratory birds" (OUV)
Peninsula Valdes "a diverse mosaic of wetlands, mudflats, dunes and cliffs" (OUV)
The Sundarbans "mud flats, and tidal flats are also included in the property" (integrity statement)
The Sundarbans "The Sunderban mudflats are found at the estuary and on the deltaic islands where low velocity of river and tidal current occurs" (wiki)
Wadden Sea "the largest unbroken system of intertidal sand and mud flats in the world" (OUV)


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