Neolithic age

The Neolithic or New Stone Age (period in time varies per geographical area)

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Aggtelek and Slovak Karst Baradla-Domica Cave : "Natural entrances to the cave have been open from ancient times, and there are traces of Neolithic occupation." (wiki)
Air and Téneré Palaeolithic and Neolithic archaeological sites are found at many locations in the reserve, as are rock engraving sites. (unesco website)
Al Ain "mobile hunter-gatherer groups of the Neolithic period (6th millennium to 4th millennium BC in Al Ain) with remains discovered alongside the eastern ridge of Jebel Hafit" (AB ev)
Al-Ahsa Oasis The earliest occupation of Al-Ahsa is in the location of the present Al-Hofuf, where remains from pre-ceramic Neolithic culture (before 6000 BCE) have been found. (AB ev)
Al-Faw "Neolithic tools of early people" (AB ev)
Ancient Jericho Crit iii "Ancient Jericho/Tell es-Sultan testifies in an exceptional way to developments that took place across the Near East in the Neolithic, characterised by the shifting of humanity to a new sedentary lifestyle and the related transition to new subsistence strategies." (OUV)
Antequera Dolmens Site Criterion (iii): "Antequera Dolmens Site provides an exceptional insight into the funerary and ritual practices of a highly organised prehistoric society of the Neolithic and Bronze Age in the Iberian Peninsula." (OUV)
Atapuerca "The Galería del Silex contains abundant evidence of human occupation during the Neolithic and Bronze Age. More than fifty painted and engraved panels have been recorded, with geometrical motifs, hunting scenes, and anthropomorphic and zoomorphic figures." (AB)
Ban Chiang " presenting a full picture of the emergence of a settled agrarian way of life in the early Neolithic period in Southeast Asia" (official description UNESCO website)
Banc d'Arguin Neolithic archaeological sites and vestiges of the Almoravid civilization are found on some of the islands. (EOEarth)
Bassari Country Archaeological research has yielded some evidence of the human occupation of the region since the Neolithic age, in the forms of worked stones, pebble-tools, etc (AB ev)
Bat, Al-Khutm and Al-Ayn two Neolithic flint mines connected with workshop areas for stone tool-making (OUV)
Brú na Bóinne "The Knowth group, where the earliest features date from the Neolithic period and the latest from the Anglo-Norman period, has produced thirty monuments and sites" (OUV)
Byblos "Continuously inhabited since Neolithic times" (OUV)
Central Highlands "So far as the archaeological evidence from Horton Plains is concerned, the significance relates to its global context, the origin of agriculture, which marks the dawn of the Neolithic Revolution, dating back to 14,000–10,000 years BP" (AB ev)
Choirokoitia "It represents the Aceramic Neolithic of Cyprus at its peak, that is the success of the first human occupation of the island by farmers coming from the Near East mainland around the beginning of 9th millennium." (OUV)
Cilento and Vallo di Diano Capo Grosso - "It has been successively occupied over time by farmers during the Neolithic period, .." (OUV)
Ephesus The Neolithic settlement of Cukurici Mound marking the southern edge of the former estuary is now well inland (OUV)
Fossil Hominid Sites Numerous sites spanning the Earlier Stone Age to Later Stone Age (nom file)
Göbekli Tepe "Monumental structures, interpreted as monumental communal buildings (enclosures), were erected by groups of hunter-gatherers in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic period" (OUV)
Hal Saflieni Hypogeum "The Ħal Saflieni Hypogeum is one of the best preserved and most extensive environments that have survived from the Neolithic." (AB ev)
Hawraman/Uramanat The vertical migration pattern in Hawraman/Uramanat is among the oldest types of migration, dating to the early Neolithic. (AB ev)
High Coast / Kvarken Archipelago "toward the end of the Stone Age, and many contemporary dwelling sites have been discovered" (nom file)
Himā Cultural area An ancient Palaeolithic and Neolithic site, the Bir Hima Complex covers the time period of 2500–1000 BC
Hortobágy "Also found in the park are the low mounds (tells) that mark the sites of ancient settlements back from the Neolithic" (OUV)
Jomon Prehistoric Sites "As polished stone tools were in use in the Jōmon period, it can be placed at the Neolithic stage."
Kazan Kremlin "Today, the number of monuments of the Mesolithic (7th-5th millennia BC)and Neolithic ages (4th--3rd millennia BC) in the territory and in the suburbs of the present-day Kazan is approaching ten." (see link)
Komodo National Park neolithic graves, artefacts and megaliths
Krzemionki prehistoric flint mines mining sites dating from the Neolithic and the Bronze Age (c. 3900-1600 BCE) (AB ev)
Land of Frankincense "There is a number of Neolithic sites in the immediate vicinity of Shisr + Khor Rori A series of archaeological campaigns have identified a considerable number of sites, most of them Neolithic." (AB ev)"
Lavaux, Vineyard Terraces Alignement de Lutry: "L'alignement a été dressé au Néolithique, entre -4500 et -4000" (wiki)
Lenggong Valley Bukit Gua Harimau
Liangzhu Archaeological Site Late Neolithic period of China
Lopé-Okanda "Criterion (iv): the collection of Neolithic and Iron Age sites together with the rock art remains appear to reflect a major migration route of Bantu and other peoples" (OUV)
Lushan National Park "Archaeological sites include the large Neolithic village of Tingzi Dun (4th millennium BC), the farming, hunting and fishing settlement of the Shang and Zhou dynasties of Fanzhou Yan (1600-1000 BC), the residences of Tao Yuan-Ming, who moved several times during his lifetime (365-427), and the battlefield of Boyang Lake (Three Kingdoms Period, 220-65)." - Nomination File
Matera Traces history bak to Neolithic Age, famous for "Matera ware" pottery
Megalithic Temples of Malta "Their makers erected the two Ġgantija temples during the Neolithic" (wiki)
Mount Carmel Caves "This significant regional culture of the late Epi-Palaeolithic period presents the transition from Palaeolithic to Neolithic ways of life, from nomadic to complex, sedentary communities, bearing testimony to the last hunter-gatherer society and the various adaptations it underwent on the threshold of agriculture." (OUV)
Mount Taishan "By Neolithic times, 5,000-6,000 years ago, it had become a significant cultural centre with two cultures flourishing, the Dawenkou to the north and the Longshan to the south of the mountain." (AB evaluation)
Mycenae and Tiryns The site of Mycenae is known from excavations to have been occupied from the Neolithic period (c . 4000 BC). (AB)
Neolithic Flint Mines at Spiennes "Criterion (iii): The arrival of the Neolithic cultures marked a major milestone in human cultural and technological development, which is vividly illustrated by the vast complex of ancient flint mines at Spiennes." (OUV)
Neolithic Orkney "The state of preservation of Skara Brae is unparalleled amongst Neolithic settlement sites in northern Europe." (OUV)
Niah Caves "Neolithic-period burials" (AB ev)
Nisa New Nisa - Neu-Nisa war der erste Ort, an dem die neolithische Dschejtun-Kultur nachgewiesen wurde. (Wiki)
Ohrid Region "A great number of archaeological sites testify to origins from the Neolithic period, ..." (OUV statement)
Olympia The Pan-Hellenic sanctuary has been established in the history of culture, as the most important religious, political and sports centre, with a history that dates back to the end of the Neolithic times (4th millennium BC) (OUV)
Paphos "Paphos, which has been inhabited since the Neolithic period" (OUV)
Petra Remains of the Neolithic settlement at Beidha
Petroglyphs of the Lake Onega and the White Sea "Criterion (iii): ... a unique source of data and representing a coherent image of the Neolithic culture period in the northeastern part of Fennoscandia." (OUV)
Prehistoric Pile Dwellings "The waterlogged conditions have preserved organic matter that contributes in an outstanding way to our understanding of significant changes in the Neolithic and Bronze Age history of Europe in general," (OUV)
Pyrénées - Mont Perdu Mont Perdu - several sites including the Dolmen from Tella
Pythagoreion and Heraion of Samos "The earliest finds date back to the 5th/4th millennium BC, during the Neolithic period, but the main settlement began in the 10th century BC" (OUV)
Rock Art in the Hail Region - "The intensive and comprehensive survey of the Jabal al-Manjor and Raat complexes since their recent re-discovery resulted in the locating of hundreds of rock art panels, several stone structures, and typical stone objects of the Neolithic era." – "Present data indicates that the record of surviving rock art commences shortly after 10,000 years ago, providing an insight into the Neolithic culture through thousands of petroglyphs." (AB Ev)
Rock Drawings in Valcamonica "During the Neolithic period (the 5th to 1st centuries of the 4th millennium BC approximately-5500-3300 BC[5]), agricultural practices spread in Val Camonica, correlated with the formation of the first sedentary settlements. In the field of rock art, human figures and sets of geometric elements, such as rectangles, circles, and dots, constitute the main elements of the compositions and complete the symbolic meaning of the anthropomorphical petroglyphs." (wiki)
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France Dolmen of Pech Laglaire 2
Saint-Emilion Menhir de Peyrefitte
Sangiran Early Man Site Some Neolithic remains have been found but the main period of interest regarding the human remains was much earlier
Sarazm "ICOMOS considers that Sarazm is an important archaeological site at Central Asian level, and that it fully illustrates proto-urban development and the birth of networks of tangible and cultural interchanges over long distances, from the end of the Neolithic until the Bronze Age" (AB ev)
Schokland "there are four large village terps, all of them protected archaeological sites. A fifth such site includes traces of Neolithic, Bronze Age and Iron Age settlements." (OUV)
Southern Öland "Passage graves on Västra Landborgen provide evidence for permanent settlement in the Neolithic period." (AB ev)
St. Kilda "Recently, the first direct evidence of earlier Neolithic settlement emerged?shards of pottery of the Hebridean ware style, found to the east of the village."
Stonehenge "the evolution of monument construction and of the continual use and shaping of the landscape over more than 2000 years, from the early Neolithic to the Bronze Age" (OUV)
Tadrart Acacus " Animal domestication as part of the African Neolithic was introduced in this region by around 7000 BP, and pastoralism and foraging were the primary subsistence strategies of people in this region, not agriculture. Sites in this region have been split into three main occupation periods: the Early Acacus, Late Acacus, and Pastoral Neolithic... The Pastoral Neolithic was characterized by increased mobility in a more humid environment again, and the domestication of animals. " (wiki)
Tassili n'Ajjer The site of Tassili was primarily occupied during the Neolithic period by transhumant pastoralist groups whose lifestyle benefitted both humans and livestock. There are numerous rock shelters within the sandstone forests, strewn with Neolithic artifacts including ceramic pots and potsherds, lithic arrowheads, bowls and grinders, beads, and jewelry. (wiki)
Taxila tumulus of Saraikala
Val d'Orcia The archaeological area of Cava Barbieri: The oldest settlement dates back to the early Neolithic. Later remains are indicative of contacts with other groups from central and northern Italy, with Linear ceramics, and the "Ripoli culture"; then in the last phase of the Neolithic with groups from southern Italy and Sicily with the Diana culture. (Nomination file, p. 111)
Vegaøyan "The abundance of resources led to great activity throughout the Mesolithic and Neolithic. So far, Stone Age finds have been recorded at 108 locations on Vega, the majority being habitation sites." (nomination dossier)
Vilnius "The Vilnius Historic Centre began its history on the glacial hills that had been intermittently occupied from the Neolithic period" (OUV)
W-Arly-Pendjari Complex "The site reflects the interaction between natural resources and humans since Neolithic times." (AB ev)
Wachau Cultural Landscape The region of Krems and Melk was densely settled as early as the Neolithic period (4500-1800 BCE) (AB ev)
Wadi Rum Several sites, including Neolithic village of Abu Nakheileh, agricultural settlement of Udayb er-Rih
Wrangel Island Chertov Ovrag site: "On Wrangel Island, the earliest Neolithic site without pottery, Chertov Ovrag, was [sup.14]C dated to c. 3400 BP"
Çatalhöyük "Çatalhöyük provides a unique testimony to a moment of the Neolithic, in which the first agrarian settlements were established in central Anatolia" (OUV)


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