
Descendants of Vikings who, in the 10th century, settled on land in northern France (later "Normandy") granted to them by Charles the Simple. Intermarried with the Frankish/Gallo-Roman natives and adopted the local Romance language Conquered land in Italy in 1030 and took over most of S Italy by 1099. Invaded England in 1066. Were involved in military adventures in Wales, Scotland and and in Crusader States (particularly Antioch) in the Middle East. This connection is limited to locations which are significant in Norman History since "Romanesque Architecture" as developed by the Normans has its own Connection.

Connected Sites

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Agrigento From the 7th century, Agrigento was in decline and was successively occupied by the Arabs and then by the Normans in 1086, who called it Girgenti. (AB Ev)
Arab-Norman Palermo Palermo was the capital of Sicily during the Norman period.
Champagne Hautvillers Abbey was destroyed by the Normans in 882. (Nomination file, Tome III, p. 13)
Djerba "Djerba was controlled by the Norman Kingdom of Sicily for a period of time in the 12th and the 13th century CE," (AB ev)
Durham Castle and Cathedral The Castle was built in the 11th Century as part of the ongoing efforts by the Normans to subdue the North
Longobards in Italy Monte Sant'Angelo: "When Benevento (...) fell during the 11th century, the sanctuary of St. Michael the Archangel was taken care of first by the Normans (...) The Castello was enlarged by the Normans upon an episcopal residence of Orso, Bishop of Benevento".
Mont-Saint-Michel Annexed from Britanny by the Normans in 933. The Abbey was built with Norman royal patronage
Roman Walls of Lugo "The town was to be ravaged once again in 968 by the Normans, on their way to the Mediterranean, and it was not restored until the following century." (AB Ev)
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France Cathedral of Saint-Front in PĂ©rigueux: The Norman invasions in the PĂ©rigord in the 9th century destroyed the church in 845, leaving only the oldest part, discovered by the faithful in the 16th century.
Syracuse "The later Norman conquest (1086) relegating Syracuse to the role of a city of secondary importance, strengthens more and more Palermo as capital of the island." (Nomination file, p. 147) Some buildings date back to the Norman period, e.g. the Church of San Martino on Ortygia. (wiki)
Tower of Hercules In the 9th and 10th centuries, "the attacks of the Normans and the Vikings struck fear into the coasts of the south of Europe. On various occasions, enemy squadrons disembarked on Galician soil (...). [The] Chronicle of King Alphonse III (...) alluded to a battle which took place in the year 846 close to the "Farum Brecantium" or "Bregantium" and where the Asturian king's troops succeeded in defeating the Norman hoards after having sacked and burnt their ships. This episode, however, did not represent an isolated incident but rather this type of attack is alluded to on numerous occasions, particularly in the years 854 and 866 when the Normans held the Kingdom to siege." (Nomination file, p. 91-92)
Tower of London Construction of the central Keep known as "The White tower" was initiated by William the Conqueror in 1078
Villa Romana del Casale "It seems that the final act of destruction [of the villa] was the work of the Norman ruler of Sicily, William I the Bad, around 1155." (AB Ev)


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