
"Pre-Romanesque" is an architectural style from Western Europe, which preceded the beginning of the Romanesque period in the 11th century (ca. 5th-10th centuries). It is characterized by the introduction and absorption of classical Mediterranean and Christian forms with Germanic ones, creating innovative new forms.

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Aachen Cathedral Palatine Chapel
Abbey and Altenmünster of Lorsch
Abbey of St Gall
Asturian Monuments
Benedictine Convent of St. John well-preserved heritage of Carolingian art > the Carolingian era is part of the period in Medieval art sometimes called the "Pre-Romanesque". (wiki)
Corvey Carolingian Westwerk from the 9th century
Ferrara Basilica di Pomposa
Hildesheim Cathedral and Church St. Michael's Church (according to wiki)
Loire Valley Oratoire carolingien de Germigny-des-Prés
Longobards in Italy
Quedlinburg St. Wiperti, St. Marien
Reichenau St. George
Rome Santa Prassede
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France The oldest part of the Cathedral of Saint-Front in Périgueux preserves fragments of the 6th century church. Under the current bell tower, two bays of the Carolingian basilica remain. – The main apse of the church Sainte-Quitterie is part of pre-Romanesque architecture. – The Abbey of Saint-Guilhem-le-Désert has some pre-Romanesque constructions, e.g. the Saint-Martin Tower and the walls of the first bay of the nave. (Nomination file) - The treasure of the Abbey Church of Sainte-Foy includes unique pieces of art from the Carolingian era, including the reliquary statue of Saint Foy.
Val d'Orcia "The foundation of the original Benedictine monastery" of Sant'Antimo "dates to the time of Charlemagne. (...) Parts of the earlier structure remain visible in the crypt and in the so-called Cappella Carolingia, or Carolingian chapel. (...) Of the Carolingian edifice, the apse (called Cappella Carolingia) and the portal, richly decorated with animal and vegetable motifs, are visible."
Via Appia Santa Maria Genitrici
Yuso and Suso Monasteries Suso: Visigoth and Mozarabic parts


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