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Agadez It also formed part of the Saharan 'Salt Route' leading towards the Sahel in Africa (AB ev)
Ancient Ksour Oualata (Walata) was a centre of salt trade.
Avignon At the foot of the bridge there used to be a salt store. It was located on a salt trade route.
Dacian Limes "Sector 4 (northern limes) consists of seventy-six component parts (in three counties), including.. salt quarries," (AB ev)
Danube Limes Tulln – Kastell Hufeisenturm (ID No 27a): "Component part 27a is a late Roman horseshoe tower of the western front, which is preserved to the rooftop, whose excellent preservation is due to the Medieval re‐use as a stacking area for salt in the Danube region of Tulln." (Nomination file, p. 76) + Traismauer (ID No 25a-e): A trade route (iron and salt) approaching from the Mur valley in Styria met the Danube at Traismauer, crossed it and joined two old long-distance routes on the north bank, the so-called Manhartsberglinie and the Kamptalweg.
Ferrara "Comacchio was a major salt producer, but its expansion was halted by the depredations of the Venetians." (1999 AB Ev) The contest over the commerce of salt was also one of the reasons of the War of Ferrara, also called the Salt War (1482-1484), between Ferrara and the Papal Forces, allied with Venice.
Fortifications of Vauban Saint-Martin-de-Ré: "Durant le XVIIIe siècle, le port est très actif avec le commerce du sel, du vin et des eaux de vie." (wiki fr)
Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats "Taepyeong Salterns, the largest saltern in Korea, the Stone Salt Silo, which is now used as the Salt Museum (both located in Jeongdo, Sinan-gun) are designated as Registered Cultural Heritage of Korea. In addition, Jeong-do, Sinan-gun is designated as a Tidal Flats Provincial Park in Korea, and is also a member of Cittaslow." - UNESCO Description Salterns "The saltpans in the buffer zone of the coastal areas of Shinan Getbol produce sun-dried salt using traditional methods. As of 2015, 944 saltpan farmers have obtained permits for their farms of 2,969 ha in total. These saltpans are environmentally harmless and do not cause any damage to the OUV of the nominated property." - Nomination File Getbol, Korean Tidal Flats
Grand Canal Yangzhou - 2 elements within this city are the "Salt Ancestral Temple" and the "Former Residence of Lu Shaoxu, a Salt Merchant". A major role of the Canal was to transport salt from south to north. Yangzhou was the administrative center of the Lianghuai sector of the Government's Salt monopoly during the Ming period. See
Great Spa Towns of Europe Two former salt production sites of the Untere and Obere Saline (lower and upper saltworks) in Bad Kissingen
Ibiza Ses Salines
Lübeck Salt storehouses
Peninsula Valdes 34-km. narrow gauge railway line from Puerto Pirámides to the salt ponds, known as Salinas Grandes (1901-1920)
Regensburg Salzstadl (1597), a warehouse for salt on Stadamthof
Routes of Santiago de Compostela in France The Priory of Notre-Dame de La Charité-sur-Loire had a salt attic.
Royal Saltworks of Arc-et-Senans
Tehuacán-Cuicatlán Valley Cuthá or Quiotepec archaeological sites and Salinas Las Grandes located in the Zapotitlán-Cuicatlán component site reflect much later traces of political, religious and residential features, reflecting the lifestyle of the during the times the pottery and salt industry developed. Salt not only improved food, but also had a sacramental value (AB ev)
Timbuktu Salt trade
Tokaji Wine Region Tokaj was an important medievil centre of the salt trade.
Val d'Orcia The lower part of the Palazzo dei Priori in Montalcino was originally used as a salt warehouse.
Wieliczka and Bochnia Royal Salt Mines


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