Triumphal Arches

A triumphal arch is a monumental structure in the shape of an archway with one or more arched passageways, often designed to span a road. Thought to have been invented by the Romans, the triumphal arch was used to commemorate victorious generals or significant public events such as the founding of new colonies, the construction of a road or bridge, the death of a member of the imperial family or the accession of a new emperor. (wiki)

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Aleppo Al-Tuteh Mosque includes an ancient Roman triumpal arch.
Blenheim Palace There are 2. At the entrance Gate to the Park and at the East Gate of the palace.
Cienfuegos Arco de Triunfo
Coro and its Port Arco de la Federacion
Danube Limes Carnuntum (ID No 31): Among the last major building projects in the civilian city was a triumphal arch of the Emperor Constantius II southwest of the settlement area, the remains of which are now known as the Heidentor.
Djémila Arch of Caracalla
Dougga/Thugga There are two triumphal arches. That of Septimius Severus, built in all probability to commemorate the elevation of the city to municipium status, is much degraded, but the Arch of Severus Alexander still stands to a substantial height. (AB ev)
Florence Lorraine Arch
Lednice-Valtice Cultural Landscape Rendezvous Hunting lodge built in style of a Roman Triumphal Arch
Leptis Magna Arch of Tiberius, Arch of Severus
Mérida Trajan's Arch
Nancy at Place Stanislas
Padua’s fourteenth-century fresco cycles The triumphal arch below the Torre dell'Orologio on the Piazza dei Signori
Paris, Banks of the Seine Arc de triomphe du Carrousel
Potsdam Potsdams Triumphtor & little Brandenburger Tor
Rabat It includes the remains of ... a triumphal arch. (AB ev)
Rome Arch of Constantine, Arch of Septimius Severus, Arch of Drusus, Arch of Gallienus, Arch of Janus, Arch of Titus, Arco degli Argentari
St. Petersburg Narva Triumphal Gate, Moscow Triumphal Gate
Syracuse Remains of the Augustan Arch of Syracuse in the Archaeological Park of Neapolis
Tarraco Triumphal Arch of Ber
The Porticoes of Bologna The triumphal arch connecting the portico of the Certosa and the portico of San Luca. (nom file)
Timgad Trajan's Arch
Tyre 2nd century Roman triumphal arch at Al-Bass
Verona Arco dei Gavi
Via Appia "The Via Appia is also accompanied by a monumental ensemble of temples, funerary monuments, aqueducts and villas, and at city entrances, triumphal arches, gates or such amenities as theatres, amphitheatres or baths which all bear witness to an ancient civilisation." (AB ev)
Vienna Arch at Heldenplatz


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