Visiting conditions Connections
All connections part of Visiting conditions.
Connection | Description | Sites |
Archaeological Site Reburial | WHS containing significant areas of excavated archaeological remains which have been intentionally "reburied" as a preservation technique, excluding simple re-burial of human remains in the original site. "Reburial" of archaeological sites is a recognised technique for their preservation and is considered alonside e.g the creation of shelters, with experts decising the most valid approach in each case. Shelters have the disadvantage of not always being adequately weatherproof or properly maintained but "Reburial" also needs careful long term monitoring. The "reburial" should have been undertaken as a planned long term preservation activity with the intention of preserving remains still in situ across the long term, "Temporary" covering for rapid re-excavation in the near term or "Seasonal" reburial for reopening each year doesn't count nor does simple back filling of trenches etc after removal of items of value or temporarily covering mosaics with pebbles. Ideally the fact of intentional "reburial" should be mentioned in UNESCO sources such as the Nomination or Evaluation documents or in some academic source. |
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Best seen from the sky | Features / specific locations within WHS that are best seen from the sky. Features should be named. | 12 |
Biosecurity rules for tourists | WHS with personal Biosecurity rules for tourists. Excluding "WHS which can't be visited" and those with "normal" simple rules of not leaving rubbish etc as well as overall "country" rules. A link must be provided to these specific biosecurity rules that apply to tourists visiting the WHS. |
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Discriminatory Entry Policies | Sites that discriminate regarding entry on the grounds of Sex, Age, Religion or Nationality | 13 |
Foreigner prices | WHS where differential pricing is practiced between local and foreign visitors. Local and foreigner fee must be mentioned with the connected sites. | 121 |
Free entrance | WHS where the main features of the core zone can be entered without paying an entrance fee. General city centres and cultural landscapes are excluded, as well as illegal entrance, limited days and other "tricks". | 91 |
Guided Tour Only | WHS that can be visited by guided tour only. Only complete WHS with this restriction are included; the connection does not extend to parts of WHS (individual buildings etc). | 62 |
High entrance fees | Minimum fee per person for a tourist to enter the site and see its special features. This does not include the cost of travelling to get there. "High" is defined as 50USD or above. | 17 |
Needs a Ferry | WHS that can only be reached after a ferry ride or a boat tour offered commercially on a frequent basis. No bridge, no commercial airport, no alternative locations on the mainland. There must be scheduled passenger ferries or oneday boat tours (no charters or multi-day cruises). | 19 |
No road access | WHS where the core zone cannot be reached by road (either paved or unpaved). Excluding island-only sites. | 22 |
Not open to tourists | WHS where a major element providing the OUV is closed to the general public. Excluding temporary closures due to renovation, which are gathered in their own connection. | 11 |
One thousand visitors or fewer | WHS core zones that have only 1,000 visitors a year or fewer. - Total given upon inscription, as stated in the AB evaluation or the nomination file. If it is not given, reliable data sources such as IUCN Outlook and UNEP/WCMC can be used. - Reflects the number of visitors in a ‘normal’ year, not at a temporary low (because of Covid, restoration, war, etc). - It also excludes the sites that have never been open to tourists. Sites may see a growth in tourism after the inscription and go beyond the 1,000 – but not excessively so or they will be delisted from this connection. And the reverse counts as well: sites that start out a bit above 1,000 but afterward consistently stay below. Sites where no exact visitor statistics are known, but are likely to be under 1,000, are marked with DD ("Data Deficient") below. |
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Reservation required | WHS where a reservation beforehand is needed to be able to enter. Name time-span (days, weeks, months, years) and link to the procedure if available online. It does not include sites where you can show up on the day and may expect to join a tour during the same day. Also, it is limited to where the reservation is needed to enter the WHS at all or to a major highlight without which a visit would not be meaningful. | 36 |
Seasonal WHS | WHS which need to be visited at a particular time of year either because the main stated OUV can only be seen/experienced at certain times or because climatic conditions/conservation requirements require the entire inscribed area to be closed at certain periods. | 12 |
Shoe covers required | WHS where visitors are required to put protective covers over their shoes before entering, or change to protective footwear provided by the site management. | 18 |
Strict no-photography policy inside | Individual sites and iconic sites in a series where photography is strictly forbidden.. | 29 |
Takes more than 5 days to visit | WHS that take more than 5 days for a return trip, starting from an international airport. | 13 |
Undergoing Restoration or Repair | WHS or significant parts thereof currently undergoing restoration or repair that affect the visitor experience. Estimated end date should be given. | 18 |
Unusual Entry Requirements or Restrictions | WHS which, either permanently or on occasion, require intending visitors to pass "tests" before entry is granted (excluding restrictions on the grounds of race, gender of religion which are covered by their own "Connection"). | 8 |
Visitor Limits | WHS where the number of visitors either per day or in total at any one time is officially limited (whether or not it is properly implemented) across the entire site Excluding sites where a limit only applies to a particular area within the inscribed site. Excluding limits "recommended" by ICOMOS/IUCN etc where there is no evidence that these recommendations have been accepted. | 18 |