WHS Names Connections
All connections part of WHS Names.
Connection | Description | Sites |
Country named after them | WHS which have had a country named after them | 7 |
Dual WHS names | WHS where the official name is written in 2 different languages, but where these names are not mere translations. Excludes the combination of the WH working languages English and French. | 5 |
Epic Subtitles | WHS where the main title of the site is accompanied by a grandiose / epic / flowery subtitle. Descriptive titles must be beyond simple statements of what/where they are. At least 3 words in English and excluding standard phrases like "Historic centre of ", "Cultural Landscape" |
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Longest WHS names | Full names of WHS as they were inscribed, with the highest amount of letters. | 5 |
Minor Planet named after them | WHS which have a "Minor Planet" named after them See - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minor_planet Excluding planets whose name is simply that of a town/city, mountain etc, a part of wh.ich is a WHS | 11 |
Misleading WHS Names | WHS whose official full name is misleading to the extent that a prospective visitor might "miss the point", by not recognizing its core zone and/or its OUV. It includes, but is not limited to, sites: - that are significantly smaller than they seem / where the name implies a grander scope than is inscribed. - where a Natural focus is implied, via the use of solely natural attributes (such as Archipelago, Caves, Valley) in its name, while it is a cultural WHS. |
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Name changes | Name changes of WHS during the "UNESCO related" life of the site (ie in the run up to inscription and thereafter). | 127 |
Named after a different location | WHS named after a location elsewhere in the World. Excluding WHS named after people whose title includes another location (See - "Named after an Individual") | 5 |
Named after a Lake | WHS named after a lake (or lakes) within the inscribed area. | 11 |
Named after a local Christian saint | WHS named after a Christian saint, only have saints directly connected IN PERSON with the site. | 11 |
Named after a Mountain | WHS whose official title includes the name of a mountain (or mountains) within the inscribed area. | 72 |
Named after a River | WHS whose official title includes the name of a river (or rivers") which flow through it. | 53 |
Named after a Tree Species | WHS where the full name includes the name of a species of tree. | 7 |
Named after Adolf Hitler | WHS - Parts of which were named after Hitler or have some other connection with his name | 9 |
Named after individual people | Excluding saints. | 113 |
Named after Queen Victoria | WHS or parts thereof named after Queen Victoria (1819-1901), the Queen of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, and the first Empress of India of the British Raj. | 11 |
Once named after Stalin | Inside an inscribed area but outside the former USSR and excluding places named after Stalingrad. | 4 |
Peace | WHS that hold the word "Peace" in their official name. | 5 |
Protection of a single named species | WHS whose name refers to the protection of a single fauna species. Whilst inscription of a "living" natural site requires that the entire ecosystem be protected some sites are inscribed primarily to preserve a small number of rare or endangered species rather than a representative ecosystem. In a few examples this raison d'etre is so significant or iconic that the entire site has been named after the species either instead of or as well as location of the site. |
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Roman Province in its official title | WHS whose official title references a Roman Province. The number and boundaries of Roman Provinces varied across the history of the Republic and Empire as a result of conquest and reorganisation. Any province created during these periods whose name is reflected in the official title of a WHS is valid. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roman_province | 12 |
Shortest WHS names | Full names of WHS as they were inscribed, with the fewest of letters. | 10 |
Translated Toponyms | Descriptive elements in WHS names that have been left in their original language, but include an explanatory statement in English. Not including English/French. This connection is similar to Untranslated Toponyms, where the descriptive element stays untranslated. | 8 |
Untranslated Toponyms | Descriptive elements in WHS names (or Toponyms ) are usually translated into English and French as "supposedly" international languages whose meanings will (or are "expected" to) be widely understood. Some, however, retain "regional" or even national terms whose meanings are frequently unclear internationally. This Connection identifies such WHS and their meaning (in English!) to assist understanding. The following non-English/French descriptive elements occurring within WHS names are regarded as self-explanatory enough to not require "connection" and further explanation: Rio, Puerto, Glaciares, Cueva, Serra/Sierra, Ilha, Cidade, Ribera, Costiera, Sacri Monti, Masjid, Ouadi/Wadi, Monte, Pueblo. Medina is also excluded, as it is common and has its own connection already. |
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