World Heritage in Egypt



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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Abu Mena 1979 Cultural 5 68 1.71
Ancient Thebes 1979 Cultural 11 418 4.59
Historic Cairo 1979 Cultural 11 509 3.72
Nubian Monuments 1979 Cultural 12 320 4.36
Pyramids (Memphis) 1979 Cultural 12 534 4.57
Saint Catherine Area 2002 Cultural 8 150 3.6
Wadi Al-Hitan 2005 Natural 9 62 3.7

Tentative List

Abydos, city of pilgrimage of the Pharaohs 2003 Cultural 3 29 100%
Alexandria, ancient remains and the new library 2003 Cultural 2 76 80%
Bird Migration Routes 2003 Natural 1 16 40%
Dababiya 2008 Natural 1 2 100%
Dahab 1994 Cultural 1 39 22%
Dahshour archaeological area 1994 Cultural 2 39 83%
Desert Wadis 2003 Natural 1 16 100%
Egyptian Museum in Cairo 2021 Cultural 1 125 60%
El Fayoum 1994 Cultural 1 25 71%
El-Gendi Fortress 1994 Cultural 0 0 N/A
Gebel Qatrani Area, Lake Qaroun Nature Reserve 2003 2026 Mixed 3 19 67%
Great Desert Landscapes 2003 Natural 1 23 80%
Helwan Observatory 2010 Mixed 0 10 0%
Historic quarters and monuments of Rosetta/Rachid 2003 Cultural 1 5 N/A
Kharga Oasis and the Small Southern Oases 2015 Mixed 0 12 100%
Minia 1994 Cultural 1 11 100%
Mountain Chains 2003 Natural 1 7 0%
Necropolises of Middle Egypt, from the Middle Empire to the Roman period 2003 Cultural 1 32 100%
Newibah castle 1994 Cultural 0 4 0%
North Sinai archaeological Sites Zone 1994 Cultural 1 4 N/A
Oasis of Fayoum, hydraulic remains and ancient cultural landscapes 2003 Cultural 1 25 43%
Pharaon Island 1994 Cultural 1 14 25%
Pharaonic temples in Upper Egypt from the Ptolemaic and Roman periods 2003 Cultural 4 70 96%
Raoudha nilometre in Cairo 2003 2027 Cultural 1 25 75%
Ras Mohammed 2002 Natural 1 20 75%
Rutho Monastery 1994 Cultural 1 2 0%
Siwa archaeological area 1994 Cultural 1 18 100%
Southern and Smaller Oases, the Western Desert 2003 Natural 1 12 33%
Temple of Hator built by Ramses III 1994 Cultural 1 35 93%
Temple of Serabit Khadem 1994 Cultural 0 2 N/A
The An-Nakhl fortress, a stage on the pilgrimage route to Mecca 2003 Cultural 0 0 N/A
The monasteries of the Arab Desert and Wadi Natrun 2003 Cultural 3 20 78%
Two citadels in Sinai from the Saladin period (Al-Gundi and Phataoh's island) 2003 Cultural 0 8 0%
Wadi Feiran 1994 Cultural 2 3 0%

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Arab States
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