World Heritage in Lesotho



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The following 138 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

A. Mehmet Haksever . Alexander Barabanov . Alfons and Riki Verstraeten . Ali Zingstra . amychemu . Andrew Wembridge . Ask Gudmundsen . Atila Ege . Aunti . Bazikoln . BenReeve . Bernard Joseph Esposo Guerrero . Bram de Bruin . Carstenhansen . Christoph . ClaireWhiteley . Clem C . cmk550 . Curley . CyBeRr . Dan Pettigrew . Dani Cyr . Daniela Hohmann . David Pastor de la Orden . debfc . Donald M Parrish Jr . drinkteatravel . Dutchbirder . Elaine McArdle . Elf21 . Ellen Nielsen . Els Slots . Enrique Clemente . Eric PK . Everlien . Felicité . Flexiear . Foxhill . FS . Gary Arndt . George Evangelou . Gernot . Hammeel . handballrama . Harald T. . Iain Jackson . Ingrid . janameerman . Jean Lecaillon . Jens . JFrederking . João Aender . Joseph C. . Joshuakirbens . Joyce van Soest . Jsalda . Judith Tanner . JudyWalsh . Kasienka5 . KB1 . kelseyyurek . Kjlauer . Klaus Bondar . Kurt Lauer . La Concy . Leslieisthebest . Longdutch . . Luis Filipe Gaspar . Maja . Mariska . Marlies van Wolfswinkel . Martin Lind (Switzerland) . Marvin B. . maryhattie . MaxHeAnouBen . mcclaud71 . Michael Ayers . Michael Novins . Michal Kozok . Michiel Dekker . Mihai Dascalu . Mikal Ahmet . MMM . Morodhi . Nasebaer . natlefebvre@hotmail. . Niall Sclater . Nihal Ege . Pasha Globus . Pat Martin . Patrik_globe . pg280172 . Philipp Leu . Piotr Wasil . Rachel Perkins . Randi Thomsen . Reza . Richard Stone . Richardleesa . Rick Ohm . Rickard Alfredsson . Roman Bruehwiler . Roman Koeln . Rosemary . ryan09sb . Sascha Grabow . Seadie . Shannon O'Donnell . SHIHE HUANG . SirLoydd . sneijder55 . Solivagant . Steve Preddy . Super-Sophie . Svein Elias . Szabolcs Mosonyi . Szucs Tamas . Tamara Ratz . Tatiana Nikulnikova . Thomas Buechler . Thomas Harold Watson . Thomas van der Walt . Thorben . TimAllen . Timothy C Easton . Tino A Offner . tjark . tkinou . Traveling Girl . Vanjavod . Virp . Vlad Lesnikov . Wait About . Werner Huber . WHS Lux . wtrentfox . Zoë Sheng .