World Heritage in Malawi



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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Chongoni Rock Art 2006 Cultural 3 21 1.7
Lake Malawi 1984 Natural 4 68 3.44

Tentative List

Khulubvi And Associated Mbona Sacred Rain Shrines 2011 Cultural 0 0 N/A
Lake Chilwa Wetland 2011 Mixed 0 1 N/A
Malawi Slave Routes and Dr. David Livingstone Trail 2011 Cultural 0 5 N/A
Mulanje Mountain Biosphere Reserve 2000 2025 Natural 0 5 N/A
Nyika National Park 2000 Mixed 0 1 N/A
Vwaza Marsh Wildlife Reserve 2011 Mixed 0 1 N/A

Country info

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Country Complete

The following 19 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

Ask Gudmundsen . Buffy . Felicité . Jarrod_Byham . Jon Opol . Joseph C. . Kasienka5 . KB1 . Martin Lind (Switzerland) . Marvin B. . NataliaS . Randi Thomsen . Roman Bruehwiler . Svein Elias . Thomas Buechler . Thomas van der Walt . Vanessa Buechler . Wo_ko . Zoë Sheng .