World Heritage in Panama



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Map of World Heritage in Panama

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Coiba National Park 2005 Natural 2 31 3.26
Darien National Park 1981 Natural 2 17 3.74
Panamá 1997 Cultural 8 256 3.03
Portobelo-San Lorenzo 1980 Cultural 6 92 2.79
Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves 1983 Natural 5 69 3.18

Tentative List

Archaeological Site and Historic Centre of Panamá City (EXT) 2015 Cultural 1 86 45%
The Colonial Transisthmian Route of Panamá (Ruta Colonial Transístmica de Panamá) (EXT) 2017 2026 Cultural 1 46 23%

Country info

Official Name
Latin America and the Caribbean
WHC location
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Recent Reviews

Country Complete

The following 7 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

Hanming . Iain Jackson . Jarek Pokrzywnicki . Joshuakirbens . Roger Ourset . Roman Bruehwiler . Zoë Sheng .