World Heritage in Saint Kitts and Nevis

Saint Kitts and Nevis


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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Brimstone Hill Fortress 1999 Cultural 5 107 3.02

Tentative List

City of Charlestown 1998 Cultural 0 23 0%
Historic zone of Basseterre 1998 Cultural 2 47 45%

Country info

Official Name
Saint Kitts and Nevis
Latin America and the Caribbean
WHC location
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Recent Reviews

Country Complete

The following 107 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

A. Mehmet Haksever . Adrian Turtschi . Alberto Rodriguez Gutierrez . Alexander Barabanov . Ammon Watkins . Ana . Andrea & Uwe Zimmermann . Andrea Szabo . AndreaTLV . Atila Ege . Bill Maurmann . bosswench . Bram de Bruin . Cheryl . Cholden324 . ChrisN . Christoph . Christravelblog . circlingthebucketlist . comensal . Craig Harder . Daniel Gabi . David Aaronson & Melanie Stowell . David Dove . David Scott King . Don Irwin . Donald M Parrish Jr . Dorejd . edstar500 . Emilia Bautista King . Erik G . Eva Kisgyorgy . Feanster . FGKJR1492X . finsbury_jo . Gary Arndt . George Evangelou . George Gdanski . Ghostbear . H Beswick . Harald T. . Harry Mitsidis . Iain Jackson . Jason Boulette . João Aender . Joshuakirbens . Judit Dalla . Judith Tanner . JudyWalsh . KarenBMoore . Kasienka5 . Kbtwhs . Kelly Henry . Kelly Rogers . Kevin Padley-Knight . Kevin247 . klhendrie . KreneH . Lara Adler . Lidiane . ljowers . Loic Pedras . Luis Filipe Gaspar . Matthewsharris . Michael Novins . michaelsballard . Michal Marciniak . Mikek . MikeWaters . Mikko . MMM . moreworld2c . MWaters66 . Nihal Ege . Nolan B. . Pascal Cauliez . Pat Martin . patphilly . Philipp Leu . Philipp Peterer . Piotr Wasil . pontobaggins . Preiki . Qin Xie . Randi Thomsen . RobbyBob . Roger Ourset . Roman Bruehwiler . saxondean . SHIHE HUANG . Solivagant . Sophie . Super-Sophie . Suzy OBrien . Svein Elias . Szabolcs Mosonyi . TheTravelingRanger . Thomas Buechler . TimAllen . Timothy C Easton . Travelindan . Trine . Vernon Prieto . vhuskey29 . Waters88 . Wo_ko . Zoë Sheng .