World Heritage in Venezuela



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Map of World Heritage in Venezuela

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  • Cultural
  • Natural
  • Mixed
  • Tentative

World Heritage Sites

Canaima National Park 1994 Natural 3 51 4.11
Ciudad Universitaria de Caracas 2000 Cultural 3 55 2.49
Coro and its Port 1993 Cultural 2 27 2.88

Tentative List

City of La Guaira 1999 Cultural 0 10 N/A
Ciudad Bolivar in the narrowness of the Orinoco River 2003 Mixed 1 7 100%
Hacienda Chuao (Chuao Plantation) 2002 Mixed 1 1 N/A

Country info

Official Name
Latin America and the Caribbean
WHC location
WHC member

Recent Reviews

Country Complete

The following 12 Community Members have visited all WHS in this country:

Carlos Caminando . Erik Jelinek . giloudepuertorico . Hanming . Jarek Pokrzywnicki . Joseph C. . Kasienka5 . Lucas Del Puppo . Piotr Wasil . Roger Ourset . SHIHE HUANG . Trine .