Hildesheim Cathedral and Church

St. Mary's Cathedral and St. Michael's Church at Hildesheim are exceptional testimonies to the religious art of the Holy Roman Empire.
St. Michael’s is considered a masterpiece of medieval architecture which has escaped substantial alterations in later years. Both churches were built in the 11th century in the Romanesque style. They hold artistic treasures such as the Bernward bronzes and the painted ceiling at St Michael's Church.
Community Perspective: Pristine or sterile? “It's almost too good to be true”: what you see today is two churches that were almost completely destroyed and rebuilt in the 1950s plus the result of recent renovations. But the late medieval art treasures are the originals, they were brought to safety during World War II (even the wooden ceiling).

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Czechia - 26-Dec-19 -
I love this WHS and take it as a world-class.
Both churches are so pristine and I would say timeless - look at the perfect assembly of columns in the transept of St Michael (PHOTO)!, but this is sometimes misinterpreted that they are sterile. Another frequent issue concernig this site is its authenticity, I would comment it that I do not see it as an obstacle, because the most of medieval churches and ancient temples as we know them now are just current interpretation of the original state.
I visited both churches two-times in 2008 and 2009, thus it was before extensive restoration of Mariendom (cathedral) in 2014. So, I would like to visit the site again as soon as possible.
St Michael: I like the dispostion, the assembly of columns, the combination of columns and pillars in the main nave, the use of white and red in the entire interior, and extraordinary wooden ceiling. The church is a culmination what has been started by a bit older St Cyriakus church in Gernrode (close to Quedlinburg).
Cathedral: the disposition and shape of this church is not such perfect as St Michael, but it contains world-class masterpieces such as Bernward doors and column, Hezilo and Azelin chandeliers, and baptismal font. And do not miss the thousand-year rose...
Other worth-visiting places in Hildesheim: reconstructed old market square with Knochenhaueramtshaus, and romanesque St Godehard church, which is more "authentic" than WHS-churches (it means with 19th-century colorful decoration) and it is located in the part of town not destructed in WWII. I would not be against to include St Godehard to this WHS.
Jakob Frenzel
Germany - 29-Apr-19 -
July 2018 - we started our trip to the Normandy and back.
After spending the night at a friend in Brunswick, we continued the journey to reach the Eifel region for next night, also to visit a friend. But that day we were about to visit 5 World heritage sites on the way. Quite a lot for one day, but just enough time to get more than just a quick Photo stop.
Around 8 a.m. we arrived in Hildesheim. First we visited the Dom, walked around that area and took another stop at the St. Michaels church, which was unfortunately closed. However, from insides as well outside, the two churches lack in authenticity, since they were heavily bombed in WWII. I know and visited a lot of romanesque churches in Germany, which are more impressive and worth visiting. Magdeburg, Halberstadt, Jerichow, just to name a few. It was a quick stop before and we continued to Alsfeld.
Michael Turtle

Both buildings are easy walking distance to each other. In fact, most of central Hildesheim is easy to navigate by foot. The church and the cathedral are open to visitors during normal hours and when there are no religious services taking place.
Although the architecture of both sites is interesting make sure you also take time to appreciate the artworks. The ceiling painting in the church and the bronze doors and column in the cathedral are the highlights but there’s much more to see as well.
There are a number of other sites to visit in Hildesheim while you’re there. The historic market place is worth checking out and you might also consider the Roemer-und-Pelizaeus Museum which has a collection of ancient Egyptian and Peruvian exhibits.
Read more from Michael Turtle here.
Malta - 05-Dec-14 -
I visited this WHS in November 2014. After visiting the Market Square I headed straight to St Mary's Cathedral. It's neatly hidden behind tall buildings and nothing too special from outside. The interior is completely restored and apart from some golden relics and a shrine there's really nothing left to see. The main highlights are the bronze doors, baptistry and pillar which were on loan for some time at the St Michael's Church. I would never even classify such a church as a world heritage site and in my opinion it wouldn't even classify as a top national heritage. Next, I visited St Michael's church and although I preferred the exterior from that of the Dom, still I wasn't impressed and I really thought that this must be one of Germany's least interesting WHS ... then I went inside the church and was awestruck upon seeing the old colourful wooden ceiling. It's almost too good to be true. It's truly world class and deserves to be on the WH list on its own. The fact that it's free to visit is incredible at this day and age (especially after a recent visit to the Naumburg Cathedral which costs from 6 to 8.50e and isn't a WHS yet!!!). If you have enough time, I'd recommend a visit to the Roemer-Pelizaeus Museum which is mostly dedicated to Ancient Egyptian and Ancient Peruvian art including the second largest collection of Chinese porcelain in Europe.
Ingemar Eriksson
As Hildesheim was destroyed by bombing in late March 1945 the town generally still suffers from that. At the world heritage site, there are big reconstruction works going on(2012) and is not tourist friendly. Planned to end 2015, so i recommend to wait until 2016 for a visit.
Don't miss to walk the "Kulturweg auf den Rosenroute" which leads you through the rest of what is interesting in Hildesheim.
(Don't forget that the Fagus Factory also are in the area, the same "Landkreis".)
Austria - 24-May-12 -
As I visited Hildesheim in September 2009, the Cathedral of St. Mary's was still open (now closed for renovation until 2014) and at St. Michael the renovation of the interior was already completed, only one outer wall was partly under scaffolding. Both churches are the best examples of early-Romanesque architecture and interior design. The typical elements are visible: thick, fortress-like walls, massive towers, and the typical round arches. In particular St. Michael beautifully illustrates the geometric principles of Romanesque style. In the Second World War both churches were almost completely destroyed and rebuilt in the 1950s. The Baroque ornaments were omitted, and the churches were rebuilt in their presumed original Romanesque style.
A significant part of the WHS is the art treasure from the 11th century: the two-winged bronze door (with depictions of the history of salvation), the Christ column (depicting scenes of Jesus' life), the Hezilo-Candelabrium. As other reviewers, I was impressed by the colourful wooden ceiling in St. Michael. Its effect is even enhanced by the sparse decoration of the interior.
I like to visit medieval cathedrals and monasteries, I like the mood and the atmosphere there. But there are a lot of them on the WH list and sometimes it is hard to understand why a certain cathedral is a World Heritage site and another one is not. The special features in Hildesheim are the pure Romanesque style and the extraordinary art treasures. A visit is worthwhile if you are in the area. The city is easily accessible, it is close to major highways and railway lines.
Els Slots
The Netherlands - 28-Jul-11 -
My first visit in 2006 should probably count as a half-visit: I did go and see both churches but wasn't able to admire the art which has earned them their recognition as WHS. The Dom (St. Mary's Cathedral) was closed because of Mass, and St. Michael's was undergoing restorations. Viewed from the outside, both churches are very much alike. St. Michael's setting is a bit more impressive, on a hill just outside the city center.
In July 2011, while on my way back from the nearby Fagus Factory, I decided to stop in Hildesheim again. They still are very busy restoring these 2 Christian monuments: the Cathedral now is closed (until 2014 or 2015), and the St. Michael's Church is partly hidden under scaffolding.
Fortunately, they have finished working on the interior. The church is open to the public again. As Ian Cade has stated below, it looks almost too clean and fresh to be true. There's not much decoration inside, no miracle since this is a protestant church nowadays. But it holds some major works of art: the elaborate and colourful wooden ceiling, and two 11th-century bronze objects "on loan" from the Cathedral: its very fine baptismal font and the Easter column. Just realizing how very old these objects are, their state of preservation is amazing.
Ian Cade
UK - 16-Jan-11 -
It felt like everything was conspiring against me when I visited Hildesheim on New Year's Eve 2010. Mistakes with trains meant I managed to turn up at the closed Cathedral well after it had got dark, and I was greeted with a few temporary cabins and ply wood covering the hole where the famous bronze doors would normally stand. I should have realised just how extensive the ongoing restoration would be.
Feeling a little down that I wasn't able to see too much of the site I headed back towards St Michael's church to have a look on the way to the station. I was instantly more impressed with the location being on a small hill, it really sat up from the surrounding buildings. As I walked up the congregation started coming out from inside and looked up towards the bell tower. Then a Brass band proceeded to play for the next 10 minutes whilst we all stood and admired, it really revived my spirits and was a really great experience. The vicar then spoke to me and realising I was a tourist asked me if I wanted a quick view of the interior, I of course said yes. I was not really prepared for how impressive it would be. The painted ceiling was magnificent, but I didn't want to overstay my welcome so just had a quick glimpse, the interior felt almost new, perhaps a little 'too restored' for my initial liking but the ceiling was the main focus of my attention.
Listening to the brass band whilst standing with the congregation on the snowy hill was a brilliant experience and one that reminded me that it is these chance happening that make travelling so rewarding. I happily plodded back off to the station, dodging the fireworks, staring longingly (and warily) at the small arsenal that every German seemed to be clutching in preparation for the evening's festivities.
I think I would be happy to revisit to see the cathedral after restoration and hopefully catch sight of the famous bronze doors.
[Site 5: Experience 7]
John booth

Externally these two monumental buildings have architectual merit, and the restoration of St Michael's church has been completed. The interior of that building is pristine, and is now restored to its original condition. The Dom on the other hand is now undergoing restoration and will be closed until 2014. So I was only able to access the cloister and its garden. But I did see the bronze doors.
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