The trulli of Alberobello

The trulli of Alberobello
Photo by Els Slots.

The Trulli of Alberobello are an exceptional example of a vernacular building technique that has survived from prehistoric times until today.

Trulli are dry-stone constructions that once were common in the Mediterranean region. The ones in the Monti and Aja Piccola quarters of Alberobello are characterized by their dome or conical-shaped roofs, which in some cases are painted with a pagan symbol to ward off bad luck.

Community Perspective: The Aja Piccola area is less commercialized than the Monti, and therefore generates a more authentic feeling. You can also stay overnight in a trullo, as Clyde did.

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Alessio Toniolo

United States - 02-Aug-22 -

I visited Alberobello in July 2022. The spread of the over thousand trulli in the town is remarkable. It is unique for the uniform collection of a singular design of a building and is interesting to walk around and spend time in. The previous generations who actually lived life in the trulli (before tourism) is all visible through photographs and shows a unique way of life.


Malta - 10-Jun-14 -

The trulli of Alberobello by Clyde

I visited this WHS in June 2014. I spent 3 splendid days living in a trullo in Aja Piccola, which is the residential quarter where most locals live. It's like stepping back in time with several old cars from the 60s and 70s parked outside the trulli. I visited the commercial quarter, Rione Monti, early in the morning and late in the afternoon/evening when all the tourist groups were gone or hadn't yet arrived. I visited many trulli to see the different interior designs and I must say that the ones in Aja Piccola are definitely not to be missed. The Trullo Sovrano and Casa Lippoli have been converted to museums but both are worth a visit. The Trullo Siamese is more interesting from the outside than the inside and the same applies to the quaint church in Rione Monti. The views overlooking the 1000+ trulli from here are worthwhile but the best views are from the Belvedere near Piazza del Popolo or the public gardens nearby. Unless you spend at least a night in a trullo in Alberobello wandering from one trullo to the next, gazing at the different pinnacles and white painted signs (Christian, Jewish or Pagan) on the trulli, to experience "slow tourism" at its best ... you will miss out and you will end up looking at Alberobello as a tourist trap without realising all this surreal WHS needs to reveal its OUV is TIME!

Odette Portelli Taliana

MALTA - 08-Oct-12 -

The first time I went to alberobello was in 1975 & was fascinated by this place! Always wanted to visit it again & finally after 37 years I went together with my husband; we stayed in a trullo, such a lovely experience! Will certainly not wait another 37 years to visit this amazing place!


United States of America - 01-May-05 -

The Trulli of Alberobello are absolutely amazing! It was such a beautiful sight after being kept on a bus all day. The narrow streets and the atmosphere created by the locals makes this small town feel like home. If you are ever in Puglia and have a few hours to spare make sure you go to this lovely town.


U.K. - 01-May-05 -

I made Alberobello an afternoon stop in my journey from Bari to Lecce in March 2005 and was well rewarded for doing so. The trulli are truly exceptional, but I also recommend Alberobello as a pleasant town for its Pugliese charm and general ambience (at least on a sunny March Saturday). On your way into or out of the town, don't miss the views from the train or car of the surrounding countryside to see the trulli in their natural setting. One way train ticket from Bari costs 3.60 euros; from Lecce 6.20 euros, as of March 2005.

Els Slots

The Netherlands - 04-Jan-05 -

The trulli of Alberobello by Els Slots

They are everywhere in Alberobello, the Trulli. The Trulli phenomenon could be considered as one big tourist trap, by which the livelihoods of a whole town are supported. But I found them too picturesque and too much fun for that. The Aja Piccola area is less commercialized than the Monti, and therefore generates a more authentic feeling.

You can spend a few hours roaming around both quarters. Only more time is needed when you want to make a study out of the small differences between all Trulli (don't bother, someone has done that already and came up with 5 categories).

There are some exceptional Trulli in Alberobello. For example the two-storeyed Trullo Sovrano. It's quite spacious inside: it has several rooms downstairs, a garden and a second floor to house guests. Another, with more subtle differences compared to the normal ones, is the Trullo Siamese. Siamese twins are said to have lived here, or maybe it's just two Trulli under one roof.

Klaus Freisinger

Austria - 01-May-05 -

Apulia in general is not very touristy, at least compared to other Italian regions such as Tuscany or Campania, but Alberobello is. The place is the highlight of any trip to this region at the heel of the Italian boot, and it's easy to see why: a nice little town, quaint and very unusual houses and lots of souvenir shops. To avoid those, it is only necessary to wander off into the side streets, where you can find exactly the same kind of trulli. The quarter of Aja Piccola is less touristy than the Monti area. The trulli are not confined to this town, but are rather spread out over a large area, and can be seen far out in the countryside. The houses themselves look pretty similar, but you should take note of the different symbols painted on the roofs (mostly Christian, but also some pagan signs).

Site Info

Full Name
The trulli of Alberobello
Unesco ID
3 4 5
Urban landscape - Urban continuity

Site History

1996 Revision

Reduced from former TWHS Valley of Itria (1982)

1996 Inscribed


The site has 6 locations

The trulli of Alberobello: Casa d'Amore
The trulli of Alberobello: Piazza del Mercato
The trulli of Alberobello: Museo Storico
The trulli of Alberobello: Trullo Sovrano
The trulli of Alberobello: Quartiere Aja Piccola
The trulli of Alberobello: Quartiere Monti


Community Members have visited.

4matcha A. Mehmet Haksever AC Ah2409 Alessandro Alessandro Votta Alessio Toniolo Alexander Barabanov Alexander Lehmann Alfons and Riki Verstraeten Ali Zingstra Alicemears Aljaz Allison Vies Ammon Watkins Andrea & Uwe Zimmermann Andrew Wembridge Anja Anna Wludarska Antlane Argentique Argo Arianna Aspasia Astraftis Atila Ege Aunti Bazikoln Bill Maurmann Bin Bori Sári Brendan Carroll Brigitte Huber Butterflybird Byronb Carstenhansen CeeMon Cezar Grozavu Chen Taotao Chenboada Chenqtao Cheryl Christian Wagner Christoph Claire Bradshaw ClaireWhiteley ClaraHH Clyde Col Colossus Coppi Corinne Vail Courtneyfleming Craig Harder Cristina Erba Csaba Nováczky CugelVance CyBeRr Dan Pettigrew Dani Cyr Daniel C-Hazard David Aaronson & Melanie Stowell David Berlanda David Marton DennisNL87 Dimitar Krastev Dimitrios Polychronopoulos Donald M Parrish Jr Dorejd Doubanjiang Doug Robertson Dwight Zehuan Xiao Eleonora Elia Vettorato Els Slots Emi_mimmi Emili Xaus Enrico Cerrini Erik Jelinek Eva Kisgyorgy Fabi-ddorf Fabian Teusch Fan Yibo Farinelli Federico P. Feldhase Femke Roos Filip Murlak Filipacfa Fkarpfinger Flexiear Fmannucci Fool79 Frank Britton G.L. Ingraham GeorgeIng61 GerhardM Gi Gianni Bianchini Giulio25 Grimloch Gwythyr H Beswick Hadrianus Handballrama Harald T. HaraldOest Harry Mitsidis Hdimoshi Homadism Hubert Iain Jackson Ivan Rucek J. Stevens JBTOR Jaakkotoivanen Jacob Otten Jakob Frenzel Jana and Matt Janina Lehmann Janis Javier Jawnbeary Jbaker0811 Jezza Joao Farminhao JobStopar Joel on the Road John Smaranda John booth Jon Eshuijs Jonas Hagung Jonas Kremer Jose Antonio Collar Joseph C. Joyce van Soest João Aender Jsalda Judit Andrea Juhász Judit Dalla Judith Tanner Julianna Lees Julie July Junwang111 KYLE ROUSSEL Kadet722796 Kasper Kayakka Kbecq Kelly Henry Ken DJ Kgeographer Klaus Freisinger Knut Komorfil Krijn Krzysztof B La Concy LaVale Lambert.joaquim Lamelas Lara Adler Leontine Helleman Leslieisthebest Lidiane Linda Sereno Lindaann Lisu Marian Little Lauren Travels Liverpool1023 Loic Pedras Lois Dekker Lorenzo Mejino Lorenzo2022 Lostrissa Luboang Lucas Del Puppo Luciano Imperadori Lucio Gorla Ludvan Luis Filipe Gaspar Lukasz Palczewski MAURO PODDA MH MMM MaYumin Maciej Gil Mademmer Malgorzata Kopczynska Manuelfunk Marcel staron Marie Morlon Marina Markus Marta Lempert Martina Librio Martina Rúčková Marton Kemeny Mateusz Mathijs Matthewsharris Małgosia Łupicka Michael Novins Michael Turtle MichaelH Michiel Dekker Mikan22 Mikko Milan Jirasek Misswanderlust Mkborys MoPython Monchan5396 Monica Tasciotti Monika and Rini Mtlmr Nan Nasebaer NataliaS Natlefebvre@hotmail. Nicole Lampos Nihal Ege Ninalr Nomeutente Opperpco3 Ouchelle Paola Laura Paolosan82 Pascal Cauliez Patphilly Patrik Patty Verhoeven Paul Schofield Peltzi Peter Lööv Petri Jurescu Petteri Philipp Leu Philipp Peterer Phillipmeng Pieter Dijkshoorn Pincze Pink Bunny Piotr Wasil Polyommatus_icarus Potsdamer Purrfect Q Ralf Rotheimer Randi Thomsen Raphael Rdroghetti Reiseblitz Reza Riccardo Quaranta Rick Ohm Robin Frank Roel Sterken Roger Ourset Rogerding Roman Bruehwiler Roman Koeln Ross Black Rottenegg Rvieira SHIHE HUANG Sabrina Liebehentschel Schnitzel Sclowitz Seadie Semixs Sergio Arjona Serimari Shandos Cleaver Sime147 Simonh SirLoydd Sjboyd Skalec Slavi Solivagant Stanislaw Warwas SteO153 Stefan and Mia Stefania Giudice Stephanv Stephanvermeulen Stetrab Stijn Sutul Svein Elias Szucs Tamas Tamara Ratz Tammy Gouldstone Tarquinio_Superbo Thibault Magnien Thomas Buechler Thomas van der Walt TimAllen Tkinou Tom Livesey Tommasorossotti Tonisan Tony0001 Tourhistrio Triath Tsunami Usagi1974 V&M ValiaVeweth Van Hung Vanessa Buechler Veelineen Viaje al Patrimonio Vidiot Viv WHS Lux WILLIAM RICH Walter H. Weggeworfeneleiter Werner Huber Whitegio Wimmy Wojciech Fedoruk Wolfgang Hlousa WolfgangHl Wtrentfox Xiong Wei Xiquinho Silva Yasdeb Yevhen Ivanovych Yongcheng Liu ZivaB Zoë Sheng Zsuzsanna Forray

The Plaque

  • Casa d'Amore stone plaque on wall above La Lira Focacceria (Largo Martellotta, 67). - 40.78291499634675, 17.237758756474513
    (photo by Clyde)