
Natural landscape - Forest

Andrefana Dry Forests 6 1990 4.27
Atlantic Forest South-East 25 1999 3.2
Blue and John Crow Mountains 1 2015 2.75
Calakmul 1 2002 4.21
Central Highlands 3 2010 3.22
Central Sikhote-Alin 3 2001 3.39
Central Suriname Nature Reserve 1 2000 2.89
Colchic Rainforests and Wetlands 7 2021 2.68
Discovery Coast 8 1999 2.35
Dja Faunal Reserve 1 1987 2.61
Dong Phayayen 5 2005 3
Garajonay 1 1986 3.4
Gondwana Rainforests 41 1986 3.54
Great Smoky Mountains 1 1983 3.47
Guanacaste 1 1999 3.34
Hyrcanian Forests 17 2019 2.29
Jiuzhaigou Valley 1 1992 4.37
Kaeng Krachan Forest 1 2021 2.97
Laurisilva of Madeira 1 1999 3.46
Manu National Park 1 1987 4.12
Morne Trois Pitons 1 1997 3.34
Mount Athos 1 1988 3.74
Mount Nimba 1 1981 3.5
Mount Wuyi 2 1999 3.64
Odzala-Kokoua 1 2023 4.51
Paraty and Ilha Grande 6 2019 3.47
Pimachiowin Aki 1 2018 3.3
Primeval Beech Forests 93 2007 2.72
Rainforests of the Atsinanana 13 2007 3.87
Redwood 1 1980 4.14
Rio Abiseo National Park 1 1990 3.3
Rio Platano Biosphere Reserve 1 1982 3.57
Salonga National Park 2 1984 0
Sangha Trinational 1 2012 4.12
Shirakami-Sanchi 1 1993 3.38
Sinharaja Forest 1 1988 3
Talamanca Range-La Amistad Reserves 1 1983 3.18
Tasmanian Wilderness 1 1982 4.16
Taï National Park 1 1982 3.5
Thungyai-Huai Kha Khaeng 1 1991 2.83
Tikal National Park 1 1979 4.64
Tropical Rainforest Sumatra 3 2004 3.91
Tugay forests 1 2023 0.43
Ujung Kulon National Park 5 1991 3.83
Virgin Komi Forests 3 1995 2.89
Wet Tropics of Queensland 14 1988 3.6
Yakushima 1 1993 4.09
Parc National de la Serra da Bocaina (Sao Paulo - Rio de Janeiro) (T) 71%
The Roussensky Lom National Park (T) 33%
Cara Sucia / El Imposible (T) 0%
Fortress of the immaculate Conception (T) N/A
The Natural Reserve "Bosawas" (T) N/A
Oban Hills / Korup (T) N/A
Codrul secular Slatiora (foret seculaire) (T) 100%
Parc naturel de Talassemtane (T) 0%
Sovi Basin (T) N/A
Kakum National Park (T) 25%
Mulanje Mountain Biosphere Reserve (T) 2025 N/A
La réserve de faune d'Alédjo (FT) N/A
The Hawf Area (T) 100%
Natural and Cultural Landscape of Danube Region (T) 38%
The Cultural Triangle (T) 100%
The Cuenca Mirador (T) 100%
The Core of the Mayan Area (T) 100%
The Mayan-Olmecan Encounter (T) 67%
Sierra De Las Minas Biosphere Reservation (T) 100%
National Park Sierra del Lacandón (T) N/A
Visis Cabá National park and Triangulo Ixil Vernacular Architecture (T) N/A
Ecosystème et paysage culturel pygmée du massif de Minkébé (FT) N/A
Mbaracayú Forest Nature Reserve (T) N/A
Wooded meadows (Laelatu, Kalli-Nedrema, Mäepea, Allika, Tagamoisa, Loode, Koiva, Halliste) (T) 33%
Betung Kerihun National Park (T) N/A
Region Lacan-Tún - Usumacinta (T) 86%
Vatthe Conservation Area (T) N/A
Eastern Arc Mountains Forests of Tanzania (T) 50%
Namdapha National Park (T) 100%
State reserve Dashti Djum (T) N/A
La Réserve intégrale de la Mbaéré-Bondingué (T) N/A
La forêt et les campements résidentiels de référence pygmée (T) N/A
Mt. Malindang Range Natural Park (T) 100%
Mt. Pulag National Park (T) 100%
Northern Sierra Madre Natural Park (T) N/A
L’ensemble des forêts protégées de la région d'Agadez (T) N/A
Cat Tien National Park (T) N/A
Cuetzalan and its Historical, Cultural and Natural Surrounding (T) 100%
Fagaloa Bay - Uafato Tiavea Conservation Zone (T) 33%
Le parc national de la Kibira (T) 100%
The Cultural-Natural Landscape of Ramsar (T) 0%
Réserve Spéciale d'Anjanaharibe-Sud (extension des forêts humides de l'Atsinanana) (T) N/A
Parc National d'El Feija (T) N/A
Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Solomon Islands (T) 0%
Plasencia - Monfragüe - Trujillo : Paysage méditerranéen (T) 80%
Neora Valley National Park (T) 100%
Taklimakan Desert-Populus euphratica Forests (T) N/A
The Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area (extension to existing property) (T) 80%
'Biogradska gora' National Park (T) 50%
Central Balkan National Park (T) 50%
Tobago Main Ridge Forest Reserve (T) 0%
Parco Nazionale della Sila - Sila, gran bosco d'Italia (FT) 0%
Umm Al-Rihan forest (T) 0%
Western Area Peninsula National Park (T) 100%
National Park of Dadia - Lefkimi - Souflion (T) 100%
Hkakabo Razi Landscape (T) N/A
Hukaung Valley Wildlife Sanctuary (T) N/A
Taninthayi Forest Corridor (T) N/A
Virgin Komi Forests (re-nomination) (T) N/A
Le Parc National de la forêt du Day (T) 100%
Jinggangshan--North Wuyishan (Extension of Mount Wuyi) (T) N/A
Mt. Mantalingahan Protected Landscape (T) 100%
Royal Belum State Park (T) 100%
Mount Nimba Strict Reserve (extension) (T) N/A
Strict Nature Reserve - Primeval forest “Perućica” (T) 0%
Ba Be - Na Hang Natural Heritage Area (T) N/A
Le Complexe des parcs nationaux de Boumba Bek et de Nki (T) N/A
La Parc national de Campo Ma'an (T) N/A
Ancient and Primeval Beech Forests of the Carpathians and Other Regions of Europe (Montenegro) (T) 50%
Garo Hills (T) 100%
Rio Platano (extension) (T) N/A
Ceremonial Centers and Forests in the La Leche Valley (T) 100%
Sierra del Divisor National Park (T) N/A
Hainan Tropical Rainforest and the Traditional Settlement of Li Ethnic Group (T) 2027 0%
Gola-Tiwai complex (T) 2025 N/A
Parc National des Monts Birougou (T) N/A
Gola Rainforest National Park (T) N/A
Coastal Forests of Kenya (Arabuko Sokoke Forest and Shimba Hills National Reserve) (T) 100%
Tropical Rainforest Heritage of Sumatra – Significant Boundary Modification (T) N/A
Bushbushle National Park (T) N/A