Complete List of TWHS By Categories
The Category represents the core of why a site could become a WHS, its OUV. A "Category" is concerned with identifying a site's prime attribute whilst a "Connection" merely identifies some secondary aspect. The division into categories and the placement of the TWHS in those categories has been done by contributors to this website.
A TWHS generally is assigned to 1 category only, except for mixed sites (which get a natural and a cultural category). Exceptions to a maximum of 2 categories have been made for TWHS that span a range of criteria and for TWHS that actually comprise a combination of 2 wholly different sites.
Archaeological site
- Ancient Greece 12
- Ancient Rome 39
- Byzantine 12
- Caribbean 4
- Civilizations of Sub-Saharan Africa 31
- Classical (other) 12
- Egyptian 10
- Far Eastern 7
- Near Eastern 82
- Other 2
- Pacific 7
- Phoenician 6
- Pre-Columbian 38
- Prehistoric 52
- Rock Art 58
- South (East) Asian 36
- Viking 3
Cultural Landscape
- Associative 24
- Clearly defined 9
- Continuing 111
- Relict 40
Human activity
Natural landscape
- Desert 17
- Diverse ecosystems 32
- Eroded 27
- Forest 80
- Geology and Geomorphology 8
- Glaciation 7
- Grassland and tundra 12
- Insular 20
- Karst landscapes and caves 41
- Marine and Coastal 86
- Mountain 71
- Rivers, Wetlands and Lakes 89
- Volcanic 25
Religious structure
- Bahá'i Faith 1
- Buddhist 37
- Christian 106
- Hindu 16
- Indigenous 29
- Islamic 56
- Jewish 5
- Burial 47
- Civic and Public Works 58
- Factories and industry 29
- Memorials and Monuments 21
- Military and Fortifications 107
- Mines 21
- Palace 26
- Park or garden 9
- Residence 17
- Science and Education 20
Urban landscape
- African 14
- Arabic and Middle Eastern 38
- Asian 36
- Colonial 30
- Latin American 13
- Maritime 6
- Medieval European 18
- Post-medieval European 26
- Urban continuity 17