WHC Session 1990

The 1990 WHC Session added 15 Sites bringing the total to 335.

Inscriptions in 1990

The following sites were inscribed in the 1990 WHC Session.

Site Countries Locations Rating Reviews
Andrefana Dry Forests 6 4.27 3
Daphni, Hosios Loukas and Nea Moni of Chios 3 3.09 10
Delos 1 3.6 4
Huangshan 1 4.04 6
Itchan Kala 1 3.91 5
Jesuit Missions of the Chiquitos 6 3.21 7
Kizhi Pogost 1 3.94 5
Kremlin and Red Square 1 4.2 8
Kyiv Cathedral and Lavra 3 3.69 6
Potsdam 1 3.59 10
Rio Abiseo National Park 1 3.3 2
San Gimignano 1 3.77 10
Santo Domingo 1 3.24 5
St. Petersburg 112 4.39 9
Tongariro National Park 2 3.88 6

Extensions in 1990

The following sites were extended:

Complete List in 1990

In 1990 the World Heritage list consisted of 335 sites.

Members of the World Heritage Committee

Vice Chairs