Cultural Landscape of Innsbruck Nordkette Karwendel

Cultural Landscape of Innsbruck-Nordkette/Karwendel has been part of the Tentative list of Austria.
The Cultural Landscape of "Innsbruck-Nordkette/Karwendel" comprises the city of Innsbruck, Ambras Castle, and the Nordkette mountain chain. Innsbruck had an important role in the 16th century as the residence of the Habsburg emperors. The city’s most famous symbol is the “Goldenes Dachl”, a roof covered with 2,657 gilded copper shingles. The Nordkette mountains are more than 2000 metres high and forms a spectacular background for the historic city centre.
Map of Cultural Landscape of Innsbruck Nordkette Karwendel
Load mapThe coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.
Community Reviews

I spent a weekend in Innsbruck during Advent 2019, and I was overwhelmed by fairytale-like charm of this "cultural landscape". Despite this, I did not find any rationale for the inscription as WHS because of a lack of OUV.
The historical core is quite small but stuffed by fine houses from late middle ages, Hofburg and impresive churches mostly modelled in Baroque. The setting of Innsbruck by emmerald river Inn surrounded by white Alpine peaks is really breathtaking. One can almost touch the peaks, which are easily accesible by the cable car. But I had no intentions to reach the Alpine peaks. Instead, I went by city bus to not-so-far Hungerburg place located on the slopes of Nordkette mountain range with wonderful views over the Alpine landscape and with very pleasant Christmas market. However, the highlight of my visit was Ambras castle located some 3 kilometers from the city center (PHOTO), one can reach it by walking ca. 30 minutes or by bus 3 from the Railway station. It was built by archduke Ferdinand II of Tyrol in 16th century, and he founded there the oldest museum in the world (all the collections are accesible for 8 EUR, and they are really worth the price).
Despite my praise to Innsbruck and surrounding landscape, it is still of national or better said Central European importance. Surprisingly, Innsbruck and Prague has quite a lot in common because of Habsburg emperors, for example, archduke Ferdinand II spent 20 years in Prage and designed there some of praised monuments such as Hvezda summer palace. Due to this, I had a feeling during exploring of Innsbruck that I have already seen something simmilar in other towns of Austria, Czechia, nearby Bavaria or even in Northern Italy.
I did not quite understand what this cultural landscape is all about. Innsbruck has a nice historic city centre, but nothing exceptional, not even for Austria. The Alps make a beautiful setting, but again, not unlike any other Alpine sites already on the list.
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Site History
2025 Removed from Tentative List
2005 Requested by State Party to not be examined
Withdrawn by Austria after ICOMOS recommended Rejection
2002 Revision
Successor of the former TWHS Old Part of Innsbruck, including Ambras Castle (1994)
2002 Added to Tentative List
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