Dinder National Park


Dinder National Park is part of the Tentative list of Sudan in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

Dinder National Park lies in the transition zone between the Ethiopian high plateau and the arid sahara Sudanian biomes. It is a wetland area, located on either side of the Dinder River. It is home to large mammals and is in a major flyway used by birds migrating between Eurasia and Africa.

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The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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Nadir Khan

Sudan - 26-Jul-10 -

My trip to Dinder National Park was a dream come true!

It is an amazing place and has so much natural beauty. For Wild life lovers it is a place to visit because this Park is so very unique and undisturbed by humans.

Although it is a Biosphere but the human inhabitants are aware of the sensitivity of the environment and the wild life, they blend in well with the surroundings.

Should anyone decide to go, please keep a good supply of Food and Water and make all arrangements from Khartoum prior to departure.And dont forget your Cameras!!

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Full Name
Dinder National Park
Natural landscape - Rivers, Wetlands and Lakes
2004 Added to Tentative List

Unesco Website: Dinder National Park
Lots of info by Safarinotes

The site has 1 locations

Dinder National Park (T)


Community Members have visited.

WHS 1997-2025