Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands)


Whakarua Moutere is part of the Tentative list of New Zealand in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands) are a series of protected islands along the tip of the North Island which serve as sanctuary islands where species threatened on the mainland can recover. The islands are richly biodiverse, supporting flora such as the Poor Knights lily and the endangered Three Kings kaikomako and fauna such as the New Zealand storm petrel and the kakapo, a nocturnal parrot. One of the islands, Little Barrier, has been described as “the most intact [native] ecosystem in New Zealand.”

Map of Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands)

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The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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Full Name
Whakarua Moutere
New Zealand
Natural landscape - Marine and Coastal
2007 Revision

Includes former TWHS Cape Reinga and Three Kings Islands area (1993)

2007 Added to Tentative List

Unesco Website: Whakarua Moutere

The site has 9 locations

Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Three Kings Islands/Manawatawhi (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Te Paki and North Cape Reserves (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Poor Knights Islands (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Hen and Chickens Islands (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Mokohinau Islands (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Hauturu/Little Barrier Island (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Cuvier Island (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Red Mercury and the lesser Mercury Islands (T)
Whakarua Moutere (North East Islands): Aldermen Islands (T)


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WHS 1997-2025