VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Thingvellir National Park

Photo by Els Slots.

VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Thingvellir National Park is part of the Tentative list of Iceland in order to qualify for inclusion in the World Heritage List.

The viking monument of Þingvellir is part of the nine nominated properties from six nations. The nations are Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Denmark, Germany and Latvia. Only three of those still remain as “Viking Monuments & Sites” in the tentative world heritage list (Iceland, Latvia and Norway): the other countries got their nominations inscribed as separate sites. This viking monument of Iceland is exclusively about the viking presence, but it contains mainly the same description as the already inscribed site of Þingvellir.

Map of VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Thingvellir National Park

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The coordinates shown for all tentative sites were produced as a community effort. They are not official and may change on inscription.

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VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Thingvellir National Park
Archaeological site - Viking
2015 Deferred

2011 Added to Tentative List

The site has 1 locations

VIKING MONUMENTS AND SITES / Thingvellir National Park (T)


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WHS 1997-2025